Grad Program
Additional Resources & Learning Supports
Subscriptions We have plenty of online subscriptions you can access to in order to find your sub...
Advanced Placement Courses
What are they? The Advanced Placement (AP) program makes college and university level courses av...
Advanced Placement FAQs
1. Do I have to take 2 final exams (the school’s final exam and the Collegeboard’s AP exam in May...
Booking for Gr. 10-12 Textbooks
Please note: This is for Individualized Patrons with Encom Passwords Logging into the Search Por...
Career Life Education & Career Life Connections Courses
This page is designed to outline the differences in the Career Life Education (CLE) and Career Li...
Comparative Civilizations Program (with Overseas Travel)
Planning for our 2020/2021 Comparative Civilizations Program is gearing up. For this, our 13th an...
Course Options
HCOS offers the flexibility to design a unique High School experience with a variety of different...
Course Selection Instructions
New Students: Once your application has been accepted by your Grad Advisor (GA), you or your par...
Course Withdrawals or Changes
Students and parents can request course withdrawals or changes during the year, however there are...
Dual Credits
The ministry of education has provided an option for students to be involved in dual credit progr...
English Language Arts Options in Grades 10-12
This page outlines the available options as well as requirements for the English Language Arts (E...
Grad FAQs
For more detailed information on the Grad program at HCOS, requirements for graduation, course se...
Grad Planner - For Families
As students enter the grad program at HCOS (Grade 10-12), they begin building their transcript an...
Grad Orientation Week Recordings 2024
Welcome to the Grad Program What Math is Right for Me? (Math 101) What Course Type to Choos...
Grad Planner - FAQ
What is the purpose of the Grad Planner? As students complete Grades 10-12 in British Columbia,...
Grad Program Funding
This page should answer questions regarding the funding at the Grad program level. If you have ad...
Grad Program Overview
Welcome to the Grad Program at Heritage Christian Online School! While this page will not answe...
HCOS Graduation Certificate
This page outlines the requirements needed to receive an HCOS Graduation Certificate on top of a ...
HCOS to BCOS Transfer Request: Why is this necessary?
Rationale The Ministry of Education expects that when a student is enrolled in courses in more t...
Learning a Second Language
This page outlines the options available for students who are interested in learning a second lan...
Math Course Options and Streams
This page provides information regarding the various courses and streams a student can take at HC...
Ordering Curriculum
In the Grad Program, for every Individualized, Online or Hybrid course, your main point of contac...
Orientation Week - ScanHunt
Provincial Assessments - Literacy and Numeracy
What is a Provincial Assessment? There are three provincial assessments that Grad program studen...
Scheduling Your Exam in Examity
This page outlines the steps to scheduling and accessing your exam through Examity. To view a vi...
Setting up Your Examity Profile (Students)
This page outlines the process for students to set up their Examity Profile. You may follow alo...
Synchronous Courses 10-12
This page provides information around Synchronous courses that are offered from grades 10-12 Des...
The Role of the Grad Advisor
In the grad program at HCOS, students are connected with a Grad Advisor based on the region where...
Transitioning from Grade 9
Welcome to the Grad Program! This page is to help you understand some of the ins and outs and ch...
Troubling Shooting your Examity Test
If you are having trouble with starting your Examity Test you can: Troubleshoot using the 'Chat'...
Viewing Graduation Assessment Results and Your Transcript
This page provides information for students that would like to view their unofficial transcript o...
Grad Program - Physical Education Course Policy
Students are required to take Physical and Health Education 10 as part of their Dogwood Diploma p...