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HCOS Policies
Information for Families
This is a public book with valuable information for families and students.
Information on Flex Academy
A collection of frequently asked questions and helpful information related to the Flex Academy program.
Flex Academy Policies
Learning Commons for Families
Collection of Learning Commons information and resources to assist families and teachers.
Innovations Middle School
Core Competencies
The core competencies are a set of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that students will develop through the course of their schooling. These core competencies encompass a set of skills and abilities that are embedded in each discip...
General Information
Calendars & Schedules
Technology & Tools
K-9 Program
Innovations High School
Inclusive Education Program
Read for Change
Curriculum Budget
Tuition & Resources
Homeschool Registered
Curriculum Picks
For families who do not know where to start when it comes to selecting print curriculum, we have put together a collection of kindergarten through grade 9 print curriculum resources with just one or two options for each grade and subject. Please also refer ...
Learning Groups
Webinars, Presentations & Resources
Emergency Response Policies
Truth & Reconciliation Week
Communication Policy
Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) will make every effort to meet the following protocols in their communication to parents and students as well as between other HCOS teachers, staff and administration: Communicate in a positive, polite and supportive ma...
Acceleration and Retention Policy
Acceleration Policy "Acceleration is the practice of placing students at a higher than normal level of instruction to meet their learning needs. It occurs when a teacher provides the student with advanced curriculum, when a student skips a grade, or when a st...
Evaluation Policy
The Head of Schools, Chief Operating Officer, Divisional Directors (Principals), other school leaders, teachers and support staff are evaluated on a regular basis. Evaluations are intended to celebrate what staff are doing well, offer input and support for are...
Conflict Resolution and Appeal Policy
At Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) we have five different people groups involved in the process of providing education: Children Parents Teachers Administration Staff and Leaders School Committee & Kelowna Christian Center Society (KCCS) Leadershi...
Course Activation Policy and Procedure
The Course Activation Procedure also ensures: The student’s participation in Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) and BC Online School (BCOS) is in compliance with the Provincial Activation Standards for DL Schools. School Funding for the student’s progra...
Course Challenge and Equivalency Policy
Course Challenge Policy To challenge a course is to prove the student has undocumented prior learning. Students are entitled to challenge in order to receive credit for Ministry Authorized or Board Authority Authorized Grade 10, 11 or 12 courses. Prior to en...
Curriculum Funds Policy
Curriculum funds are made available to K-9 students based on enrollment for a full school year. Students who leave early will have that amount prorated based on the percentage of the school year that they have been with Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS)....
Harassment and Bullying Prevention Policy
The safety and wellbeing of children at Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) is of paramount consideration. Children deserve to be protected from abuse, neglect, bullying, harm or threat of harm. Therefore, HCOS Staff and Teachers will ensure that children ...
Water Testing Policy
As a Distributed Learning (DL) Independent School, our students are located in their homes; as such, the Heritage Christian Online School HCOS drinking water policy is not applicable to these learning environments. In regards to the main office facility, the...
Emergency Drills Policy
At Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) we encourage our families to educate themselves on fire, earthquake and lock down procedures. Earthquake Safety When an earthquake occurs, your first warning may be a swaying sensation if you’re in a building, a su...
Electronic Supervision Policy
For the protection of Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS), our staff, our teachers, our parents and our students we have the following safeguards in place: Leadership may at any time request to see any and all email correspondence teacher to teacher, tea...
Grade Promotion and Benchmarks Policy
This is a statement of best practices employed by Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) regarding grade promotion in relation to checkpoints and benchmarks in grades three, six and nine. This policy is to provide guidance as to how HCOS can effectively addre...
Independent Directed Studies Policy
Independent Directed Studies (IDS) Overview Under teacher supervision, students can earn additional Independent Directed Study (IDS) credits by pursuing curriculum in more detail of a course they’re enrolled in or by focusing on the learning outcomes of a cou...
Learner Safety Policy & Student Supervision
We recognize that our students occasionally will participate in learning activities outside of the home or campus setting. In order to protect our students at these various locations, including third-party locations we have the following safeguards in place. ...
Parent and Student Role Policy
Parents or guardians have a supporting role under the direction of the teacher. The role of the parent or guardian is to support the teacher in implementing the education plan for the learner. The role of parents should be to: Have primary responsibility for...
Personal Information Privacy Policy for Parents and Students
The School’s Commitment to You Safeguarding personal information of parents and students is a fundamental concern of Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS). The school is committed to meeting or exceeding the privacy standards established by British Columbia...
Procedural Fairness Policy
These guidelines explain in general terms the principles which are the basis of “procedural fairness” and provide guidance as to how Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) can effectively address the requirements of “procedural fairness” when developing polic...
Professional Development Policy
Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) teachers and administrators are encouraged to participate in professional development on a yearly basis. All HCOS teachers and staff are required to attend the RenewED Conference the week prior to the start of the schoo...
Inclusive Education - Programs, Admission & Delivery Policies
HCOS Response to Intervention (RTI) Model HCOS uses a Response to Intervention (RTI) framework, utilizing formative assessment to regularly collect data to make instructional decisions in a multi-tier model. While valuing prevention and early intervention, te...
Student Records Requirements and Best Practices Policy
Note: For the purpose of this policy, the lead administrator in Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) is the Head of Schools and/or Chief Operation Officer. Introduction Independent school authorities are well served by policies and practices regarding stu...