Flex Academy Policies
Emergency Response
Emergency Drills Policy
At Flex Academy, we value the safety of staff and students. We practice fire, earthquake and lock...
Emergency in General Community Locations
Emergency encountered during a Field Trip Families will sign field trip forms that: Include in...
Other Situations that may be Encountered
First Aid Level A - Minor Injury Minor injuries such as a scrape, minor cut, bruising, etc. may...
Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA)
This page provides information to help assess whether a threat is Imminent or Not Imminent and th...
Emergency Drills Steps for Hold, Secure, & Lockdown
Flex Academy Codes of Conduct
Flex Academy Codes of conduct, terms and definitions
Athletics Code of Conduct
Rationale Our aim is to have Athletics be a meaningful part of students' school experience andou...
Flex Academy Code of Conduct
Purpose & Rationale The Flex Academy Code of Conduct outlines our expectations of members of the...
Foundations (K-5) Behaviour Management
Level 1 Behaviours Classroom Level Discipline Level 2 Behaviours Administration Level ...
Innovations (Gr. 6-12) Behaviour Management
Level 1 Behaviours Classroom Level Management Level 2 Behaviours Admin Level Managemen...
Grad Program
Flex Academy Grad Program Policies
Course Challenge and Equivalency Policy
Course Challenge Policy To challenge a course is to prove the student has undocumented prior lea...
Dual Credit Policy
Policy Statement Students may earn credits toward graduation in a variety of ways. In addition t...
School Completion (Evergreen) Certificate Policy
In accordance with the Ministry of Education's School Completion Certificate Program, HCOS will g...
Anaphylaxis Policy
Anaphylaxis is: is a severe allergic reaction that can be fatal, resulting in circulatory collap...
Bus & Transportation Safety Policy
1.0 Definitions 1.1 In this Bus Safety Policy, the following terms have the meanings set out...
Child Abuse and Neglect Policy
Preamble Flex Academy is committed to the prevention of child abuse and the enhancement of the...
Communicable Disease Prevention Protocols
Flex Academy protocols for face-to-face programming are formulated in alignment with HCOS Mission...
First Aid Policy
This page provides information on the First Aid Policy for Flex Academy. NAME DEPT L...
Harassment and Bullying Prevention Policy
The safety and well-being of children at Flex Academy is of paramount consideration. Children des...
Safety Hazard Reporting
The KCCS Safety Hazard Reporting form will go directly to the KCC safety team, where it will be...
Water Testing Policy
Flex Academy stays compliant with water testing requirements (less than 0.005 milligrams per litr...
Academic Integrity Policy
Rationale At Flex Academy, we believe students are reflective and adaptable thinkers who act wit...
Attendance & Academic Support Policy
Rationale School attendance has a significant impact on academic achievement as well as communit...
Acceleration and Retention Policy
Flex Academy Acceleration and Retention Policy Acceleration Policy "Acceleration is the practic...
Administration Performance Evaluation Policy
Heads of School, Flex Directors and Flex Administrators will be evaluated as they near the end of...
Assignment Grading Policy
Flex Academy takes a cumulative approach to learning. Learning demonstrated close to the communic...
Cash Payment Policy
Flex Acadamy follows HCOS policies regarding cash payments, which can be found here
Communication Policy
Flex Academy will make every effort to meet the following protocols in their communication to par...
Conflict Resolution and Appeal Policy
At Flex Academy we have five different people groups involved in the process of providing educati...
Course Withdrawal Policy
At Flex Academy we strive to offer flexible course solutions for our students. We recognize that ...
Discrimination Protection Policy
The safety and wellbeing of children in our school is of paramount consideration. Children deser...
Education Resource Policy
Rationale Outline the procedures that determine how learning resources are chosen and how Flex A...
Electronic Supervision and Online Session Recording
For the protection of Flex Academy, our staff, our teachers, our parents and our students, we hav...
Esport Discord Use Policy
Download the PDF E-Sport Code of Conduct & Handbook under Attachments (top left of the page) Pur...
External Credits Policy
This policy describes how students earn credit towards graduation through external credentials ap...
Field Trip Policy
Flex Academy affirms the educational value of well-planned and well-supervised curricular and ext...
Flex Academy Computer Leases
Leasing a Computer through Flex Academy Flex Academy provides leased computers to students as an...
Grade Promotion and Benchmarks Policy
This policy guides how Flex Academy addresses the Ministry of Education & Child Care curricular c...
Homestay Policy
Flex Academy aims to work within the guidelines provided by the BC Ministry of Education in relat...
Inclusive Education - Programs, Admission & Delivery Policies
Flex Response to Intervention (RTI) Model Flex Academy uses a Response to Intervention (RTI) fra...
Independent Directed Studies Policy
Overview Under Flex Academy teacher supervision, students can earn additional Independent Direct...
International Student Graduation Credit Policy
The policy applies to international students studying in British Columbia who wish to earn a Brit...
International Student Policy
Flex Academy is a Christian school, and all curriculum includes a biblical worldview. This means ...
Parent and Student Role Policy
The parent or guardian's role is to support the teacher in partnering with the education plan for...
Personal Digital Device Usage Policy
Rationale As a school, HCOS: Flex Academy strives to help students be responsible and discerning...
Personal Information Privacy Policy for Employees and Volunteers
The School’s Commitment to You Safeguarding the personal information of employees and volunteers...
Procedural Fairness Policy
These guidelines explain in general terms the principles which are the basis of “procedural fairn...
Professional Development Policy
Flex Academy teachers and administrators are encouraged to participate in professional developmen...
Sexual and Reproductive Health Alternative Delivery Policy
Flex Academy supports parents and guardians to be actively involved with their child(ren)s educat...
Student Discipline Policy
This page provides a standard course of action for students who struggle to meet the expectations...
Student Record Policy
Definitions In this Student Records Policy, the following terms have the meanings set out below:...
Student Records Requirements and Best Practices Policy
Note: For the purpose of this policy, the lead administrator in Flex Academy is the Head of Schoo...
Student Supervision
Supervision Before and After School and during Breaks At the beginning of the school day, parent...
Substance Use Policy
Flex Academy endeavors to see all members of its community as healthy as possible, physically, ps...
Teacher Education Delivery and Services Evaluation Policy
New teachers will have their Education Delivery & Services evaluated as they near the end of thei...
WiFi and Computer Use Agreement
Parents/guardians of students accessing the school's WiFi network, using media technology at scho...
Work Resubmission Policy
Flex Academy students can resubmit work. It is at the teacher’s professional discretion whether o...