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Communicable Disease Prevention Protocols

Flex Academy protocols for face-to-face programming are formulated in alignment with HCOS Mission Vision and Values and in conjunction with guidance received from the Ministry of Education K-12 Educational Recovery plan. This page is updated as needed and is current with ministry information. 

Key points to note:   
  • Enabling children to maintain face-to-face learning, recreational and social activities is important to their overall health and well-being. 
  • Prevention measures such as regular hand washing, staying home when sick, and choosing to wear a mask or face covering and respecting the personal space of others continue to be seen by Public Health as effective at reducing the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses. 
  • Ensuring that teachers and students are health aware by regularly checking for symptoms of illness (including symptoms of COVID-19) and staying home when sick and unable to participate fully in routine activities.  
  • A continued regime to providing a clean and safe learning environment continues.
    • Frequently touched surfaces and shared equipment are cleaned and disinfected regularly and when visibly dirty.
  • Vaccines are not mandated for staff and students over the age of 5 who could be vaccinated. The government will focus on encouraging greater vaccination levels across the province.
  • The wider provincial or local health authority orders will govern extra-curricular school activities.
  • Respect for the personal choice of others to wear or not wear a mask.
  • Respect for the personal space of others.
Parent Initiated Activities 
  • If a parent engages a third party to provide a learning activity for their child, it is the parents' responsibility to ensure reasonable health and safety measures are in place for those programs or services. 
School Run Programs and Events
  • Parents are encouraged to review protocols with their child(ren), as appropriate, to help prepare for their attendance of face to face activities.
  • Adults and children on-site are responsible for being health aware. To support this, monitor personal health, and stay home if sick (common symptoms associated with seasonal allergies are exempt, but please inform staff for their awareness).
  • If adult or student attendees develop symptoms of illness while on-site, the individual will be separated from the group and head home or be picked up.
  • Each child should be provided snacks/lunch and a full water bottle, and basic school supplies. A water bottle may be refilled; mouths should not touch fountains.
  • While exercising caution and care for your community, any student without symptoms may still attend school if a household member develops new symptoms of illness, including testing positive for COVID-19. 
  • If a student or adult participant is sick, let the staff know of the illness and stay home until symptoms disappear. If there is a positive COVID test, follow the directions provided by public health
  • If students are attending a field trip, the host site's communicable disease plan will be reviewed prior to booking to help ensure student safety.