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Learner Safety Policy & Student Supervision

We recognize that our students occasionally will participate in learning activities outside of the home or campus setting. In order to protect our students at these various locations, including third-party locations we have the following safeguards in place.

Criminal Record Checks

Anyone who has contact with children regardless of age is required to have a Criminal Record Check (CRC) on file with Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS). This includes anyone in a volunteer or supervisory role, and excludes relatives and family members working with their own children.


HCOS Teachers and Service Providers exercise due diligence to help ensure the care and safety of all participants. HCOS Teachers and Service Providers are covered by third party liability insurance. A Certificate of Liability or Additional Assured is available to rental facilities upon request. 

Third Party Providers

Anyone acting as a third-party educational provider (private lessons) is required to have a CRC on record with the school. If it is an organization such as a dance studio, then a copy of their organization’s requirement of CRC s is required.

Internet Safety

We have an Internet Safety and Literacy document that we share with parents and students. We run webinars and sessions throughout the province on online safety.

Risk Management
  • On-site Safety (Environmental)
    • Supervisors are required to evaluate environmental hazards that may exist at various sites and facilities when arranging for and planning off- site activities. Awareness of access to first aid equipment is of primary concern.
    • Learner homes. If staff members visit a student’s home and have serious concerns regarding the welfare and safety of the child then they are to first contact their administration or Student at Risk Team (SRT) with that concern. If deemed a safety risk to the student, then the family will be reported under the Abuse Reporting Policy.
  • Off-site Safety
    • Kindergarten to Grade 2 – 1:4
    • Grade 3-5 – 1:6
    • Grade 6-9 – 1:10
    • Grade 10-12 - 1:15
    • All off-site activities require appropriate supervision in order that students can be observed and attended to as needed. Supervisors must follow the CRC requirements.
    • Recommended supervisor to student ratios:
  • The preference for supervisors is HCOS personnel aged 19 and older or parents
  • All supervisors must have a volunteer CRC on file with Learning Groups prior to the start of the Learning Camp
Provision for Medical Issues at Learning Groups Events

As noted in the Learner Safety and Supervision Policy, where students are in the care of HCOS representatives, the event application requests medical information for each participant. Where serious allergies (anaphylactic) or medical alerts are indicated, additional information is requested from the family. Parents are asked to complete and return a Medical Planning Form outlining student symptoms and care. Supplementary forms may be requested, depending on the nature of the medical concern, such as Permission to Administer Medicine, Diabetes Support Plan, Safety Plan etc. outlining further specifics depending on the needs of the student.

Student information is provided to the event Coordinator. Student information includes pertinent information related to medical alerts, legal alerts and challenges in a group setting. All supporting documents and forms are provided together with emergency contact information.

Communication Management of Emergencies on Field Trips

As a school that operates across the province, Learning Groups Coordinators are our first line of communication if an incident/accident occurs at an LG event. Coordinators determine first response using Emergency Response and Medical Response Protocols, followed by communication with their LG Regional Admin, LG Director and HCOS Heads of School appropriately. The Head of Schools will alert the independent school office of any significant events that occur on field trips. Coordinators are to discuss and confirm with the LG RA, as part of their event planning process, how they will communicate pertinent details at the start of the event to all participants as well as reach out in the event of an emergency. Further planning considerations will be made for overnight, higher risk events, and those taking place in more remote locations, where regular communication channels may not be available.

Further information, including additional Policies & Procedures for off-site activities, are detailed in the following documents: