Scholarship and Bursary Policy
Purpose of Scholarship Program
Heritage Christian Online School has identified funds in the annual budget with the intent of providing financial awards for students graduating from grade 12 to assist with paying future tuition costs associated with pursuing post-secondary education or training. Post-Secondary training can be any program of study offered at a public or private college or university, or a vocational school and instruction may be provided in-person or online.
Awards given from such funds shall be referred to as “scholarships and bursaries.” Such awards provide life-long opportunities for students to steward their God-given talents and gifts to become an integral part of society and the workforce in their communities. The aim is to help equip students in their vocation so they can be on mission in all areas of their lives.
HCOS Scholarships and Bursaries will open for application the first week of February each year, and close the first week of May.
Types of Awards
HCOS has designated monies each year to award to scholarships and bursaries. Each award will be a value of $1,000 unless otherwise stated. The different awards students are eligible to receive are described below. Please note that it's the committees discretion as to whether or not awards are given in each of the categories each year.
Scholastic Achievement Scholarship
This award is given to applicants who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement in their grade 12 year.
Criteria: Students will have completed a minimum of 5 core academic courses in their final year of high school and will have maintained a minimum grade average of 90%.
HCOS Learner Award
The recipient of this award is a student who embodies the spirit and character of the HCOS learner profile. Throughout their time with HCOS they have demonstrated that they are a reflective and adaptable thinker who is inquisitive, discerning, and full of wonder at God's world, courageous and sustained by hope with a merciful, humble, and empathetic heart, and an advocate who is responsive to the needs of others, serving in order to have an impact on a world in need of redemption.
Criteria: Demonstration of elements of the HCOS learner profile in a variety of ways. Student may also demonstrate financial need.
Pursuing a Trade
Training and working in a trade means you are part of an important workforce - trade workers keep the world around us operating smoothly and with their specialized training, they aren’t afraid to tackle problems that many other people find daunting. This award is granted to a student who has plans to enter trades or technical training after graduation.
Criteria: Enrollment in a trade or technical program/school within the next calendar year, and good academic standing.
Lynza Henke Bursary $500
This bursary will be awarded to a grade 12 HCOS student who demonstrates strong leadership, whether in school, the community or as a member of the HCOS student council. The recipient will embody the qualities of servant leadership, a deep love for God and a commitment to making meaningful, positive change in the world.
Named Awards
If an employee of HCOS or community member would like to sponsor a scholarship in the name of their business or other the following must occur:
Contact the Chief Operating Officer to set up a transfer of funds to HCOS
Criteria must be developed for the award and publicly published
Students will apply within the same time frames as the other HCOS awards
The HCOS Scholarship committee will help in deciding the award recipient, in consultation with the naming party if they wish to be involved
The same criteria for fulfillment and issuing of the award will apply
Notification of Award Recipients
Students will be informed of award recipients during June graduation ceremonies. At the ceremonies, students will be presented with a letter of congratulations and a certificate. Award recipients that do not attend graduation ceremonies will be notified by mail. HCOS will mail the letter of congratulations and the certificate.
Disbursement Criteria
Award monies will be paid directly to the recipient once disbursement criteria has been met. Students must provide the following documentation to the Scholarship Committee Chairperson in order for funds to be paid
Proof of tuition payment from the accepted Post-Secondary Institution
Proof of graduation - completed transcript
- Students must be a Canadian resident
Funds must be dispersed within 12 months of graduation and award of the scholarship/bursary.
Once both documents have been provided, the Chairperson will communicate with the Chief Operating Officer or the finance department to coordinate payment of the award.
Record Keeping
The scholarship chairperson will be responsible for collecting student data (applications, reference forms, letters of acceptance, proof of graduation, etc) as it relates to the application and disbursement of HCOS scholarships.
A Google folder will be provided to collect all documentation so all committee members can view applications and reference letters. This folder will also be used to track receipt of documentation, and student data for the purposes of communication, granting of awards, payment of awards and recording award recipients from year to year.
HCOS also has the privilege of distributing DAS' (District Authority Scholarships) awards allocated to the school by FISA. Please see here for more information.
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee will be composed of a minimum of 3 individuals from the HCOS community, with the majority of members being involved in the Grad program in some capacity. Committee members may include HCOS employees, contractors and/or support personnel. Scholarship committee members will be appointed by the Head of Schools and Chief Operating Officer, based on nominations from the Director of the Grad program.
Role of a Scholarship Committee Member
Scholarship committee members will:
Meet with other committee members at least once in January to confirm the number and type of scholarships to be awarded for that school year. The committee will appoint a chairperson to communicate with the HCOS Director of Grad as outlined below.
After the January meeting, the Chairperson will communicate with the Director of the Grad Program regarding application forms, application deadlines, and scholarship award criteria
Ensure online application forms are functional and student applications are being forwarded to Chairperson for distribution to all committee members.
HCOS Director of Grad will then communicate the opening of the form to eligible grade 12 students.
- Meet with other committee members after the closing of the application form to evaluate applications and determine award recipients.
Designate a committee member to communicate this information to the HCOS Director of the Grad Program before May 31st of each calendar year.
Students will be informed of award recipients at HCOS graduation ceremonies. Certificates and letters will be distributed at those events.
Designate a committee member to communicate names of award recipients to Data Manager for printing of certificates and award letters
Ensure certificates and letters are received by HCOS Director of Grad prior to Graduation
If a student does not attend, the HCOS Director of Grad will ensure the certificate and letter will be mailed directly to award recipients.
Chairperson will track and collect confirmation of enrollment letters and tuition receipts. The Committee Chairperson will communicate with the HCOS Chief Operating Officer when award recipients have provided correct documentation so awards can be paid.
Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality
Members of the Scholarship Committees operate under the confidentiality expectations outlined in the KCCS confidentiality agreement signed by contractors and employees. In accordance with this agreement, Scholarship Committee members are required to declare any real or potential conflict of interests and to abide by the Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality policies. In the case of an immediate family member or close associate applying for a scholarship, the scholarship committee member will recuse themselves from having input and voting on the eligibility of that applicant and the decision to award a scholarship to that individual.