HCOS Policies
Academic Integrity Policy
Rationale At HCOS, we believe students are reflective and adaptable thinkers who act with honest...
Acceleration and Retention Policy
Acceleration Policy "Acceleration is the practice of placing students at a higher than normal le...
Evaluation Policy
The Head of Schools, Chief Operating Officer, Divisional Directors (Principals), other school lea...
Anaphylaxis Policy
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can be fatal, resulting in circulatory collapse or...
Cash Payment Policy
Purpose of Policy The purpose of this policy is to mitigate the risks associated with accepting ...
Child Abuse and Neglect Policy
Preamble Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) is committed to the prevention of child abus...
Communication Policy
Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) will make every effort to meet the following protocols in...
Conflict Resolution and Appeal Policy
At Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) we have five different people groups involved in the p...
Communicable Disease Prevention Protocols
HCOS protocols for face to face programming are formulated in alignment with HCOS Mission Vision ...
Course Activation Policy and Procedure
The Course Activation Procedure also ensures: The student’s participation in Heritage Christian ...
Course Challenge and Equivalency Policy
Course Challenge Policy To challenge a course is to prove the student has undocumented prior lea...
Course Withdrawal Policy
At HCOS we strive to offer flexible course solutions for our students. We recognize that students...
Curriculum Funds Policy
Curriculum funds are made available to K-9 students based on enrollment for a full school year. S...
Discrimination Protection Policy
The safety and well-being of children in our school is of paramount consideration. Children dese...
Water Testing Policy
As a Distributed Learning (DL) Independent School, our students are located in their homes; as su...
Dual Credit Policy
HCOS students are permitted to take dual credit courses from approved post-secondary institutions...
Education Resource Policy
This policy sets out the procedures that determine how learning resources are chosen, as well as ...
Electronic Supervision Policy
For the protection of Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS), our staff, our teachers, our paren...
Emergency Drills Policy
At Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) we encourage our families to educate themselves on fir...
Emergency Response Policies
Emergency Response Protocol
Add this contact information to your cell phone for quick reference in an emergency. Head of Sch...
Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA)
This page provides information to help assess whether a threat is Imminent or Not Imminent and th...
Lockdown Types
This page provides information on various types of lockdowns and the applicable procedure to adhe...
Other Situations that may be Encountered
This page provides information on other situations that may be encountered, such as general de-es...
Emergency in General Community Locations
Emergency encountered while in the Community or on the road i.e. during a Learning Camp or other ...
External Credits Policy
This policy describes how students earn credit towards graduation through external credentials ap...
Government Communication Policy
Heritage Christian Online School is a part of the educational ministries of Kelowna Christian Cen...
Grade Promotion and Benchmarks Policy
This is a statement of best practices employed by Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) regardi...
Harassment and Bullying Prevention Policy
The safety and wellbeing of children at Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) is of paramount c...
HCOS Code of Conduct
Purpose & Rationale The HCOS Code of Conduct outlines our expectations of members of the HCOS Co...
Homestay Policy
HCOS aims to work within the guidelines provided by the BC Ministry of Education in relation to h...
Inclusive Education - Programs, Admission & Delivery Policies
HCOS Response to Intervention (RTI) Model HCOS uses a Response to Intervention (RTI) framework, ...
Independent Directed Studies Policy
Independent Directed Studies (IDS) Overview Under teacher supervision, students can earn additio...
International Student Graduation Credit Policy
The policy applies to international students studying in British Columbia who wish to earn a Brit...
Learner Safety Policy & Student Supervision
We recognize that our students occasionally will participate in learning activities outside of th...
Online Course Forum Policy
Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) uses online course forums as a tool to promote healthy di...
Online Session Recording Policy
HCOS considers the privacy and protection of student information of utmost importance. We also h...
Parent and Student Role Policy
Parents or guardians have a supporting role under the direction of the teacher. The role of the p...
Personal Information Privacy Policy for Employees and Volunteers
The School’s Commitment to You Safeguarding personal information of employees and volunteers is ...
Personal Information Privacy Policy for Parents and Students
The School’s Commitment to You Safeguarding personal information of parents and students is a fu...
Procedural Fairness Policy
These guidelines explain in general terms the principles which are the basis of “procedural fairn...
Professional Development Policy
Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) teachers and administrators are encouraged to participate...
Scholarship and Bursary Policy
Purpose of Scholarship Program Heritage Christian Online School has identified funds in the annu...
School Completion (Evergreen) Certificate Policy
In accordance with the Ministry of Education's School Completion Certificate Program, HCOS will g...
Sexual and Reproductive Health Alternative Delivery Policy
Heritage Christian Online School supports parents and guardians to be actively involved with thei...
Student Discipline Policy
This page provides a standard course of action for students who struggle to meet the expectations...
Student Records Requirements and Best Practices Policy
Note: For the purpose of this policy, the lead administrator in Heritage Christian Online School ...
Student Transportation Policy
The best practice is for parents to provide transportation or to arrange it on their own as neede...
Substance Use Policy
Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) endeavors to see all members of its community as healthy ...
Synchronous Course End Date Policy
Synchronous courses offer the same program of study as an online course, with the added benefit o...
Teacher Education Delivery and Services Evaluation Policy
New teachers will have their Education Delivery & Services evaluated as they near the end of thei...
Work Resubmission Policy
In some cases, students may be permitted to resubmit work. It is at the teacher’s professional di...
Accessible B.C. Act Principles
The Accessible BC Act includes a list of principles to consider as organizations develop an acces...
Global, National and Provincial Context
The HCOS accessibility plan builds on global, national, provincial and HCOS specific actions to p...
Accessibility: The state of having programs, services and environments that allow all individuals...
Our Commitment and Approach
Our Commitment to Accessibility Accessibility refers to the degree of ease with which people wit...
Accessibility Committee: Consultation, Feedback, Monitoring & Evaluation
Purpose of the Accessibility Committee Under the Accessible BC Act, organizations must establish...
The guiding principles of inclusive practice inform HCOS programs, policies, practices, and servi...
3-Year Accessibility Plan
Overview Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) is an independent school authority that serves ...
Understanding the Word "Disability"
The Disability Continuum Although there is no universally accepted meaning for the word "disabil...
Suggested References & Resources
Global, Canadian and Local Accessibility Context and Legislation United Nations Convention on th...
Identifying Accessibility Barriers
Below are potential accessibility barriers found in schools across BC. Learning Barriers Educat...
First Aid Policy
This page provides information on the First Aid Policy for HCOS. NAME DEPT LEVEL ...