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First Aid Policy

This page provides information on the First Aid Policy for HCOS.






Jen McNamara



November 16, 2028

907 Badke
On-site Monday to Friday

Hannah Aguirre



November 10, 2026

905 Badke

On-site Monday to Thursday

Remote Friday

Natalie Grant



January 13, 2026

905 Badke

On-site Wednesday & Thursday

Remote Monday & Tuesday

We have 2 First Aid Rooms: 1 located upstairs in the Administration Level of 905 Badke.  The other located behind the Woodshop of 907 Badke. These rooms are stocked with First Aid Supplies and AED devices for heart attack. 

We have 2 Panic alarms located under the desk of the Reception Ladies located in the 905 Badke Building.  These have been tested successfully with a 3 minute response time.  That is significantly fast.  RCMP are very quick to respond as well as Tier Support Services K-9. 

Our Campus school is locked at 3:30 pm every day by our Custodial Team.  Our Administration Building is locked every day at 4:30 pm every day by our KCC Receptionist.  K-9 Security checks our doors and alarms every night at 10:30 pm.  Greg Simonson our Custodian checks our doors on the weekends to ensure after church or weekend use ends with a lock up. 

Monthly Fire Alarm Checks are conducted regularly by James Zink to ensure emergency lighting is in operating condition.  A monthly alarm check takes place to ensure our bells and alarms are working inclusive of strobes.  Doors are tested yearly to ensure they function in case of fire.  6 Fire Alarms drills are conducted to ensure school and administration is test regularly. 

Authorized Security monitors our door alarms and Nexus Fire and Safety monitors our Fire Panels.  Both are directly hooked up to 911 Emergency and myself as Operations Director.