StudyForge Subscriptions
StudyForge is an amazing digital curriculum used by thousands of students across Canada and the US. As an HCOS student, you have access to StudyForge math and science courses that meet British Columbia's learning outcomes. In these courses, there are thousands of helpful and meticulously crafted videos along with practice questions. It can be used as a primary curriculum for individualized courses or as a supplement to other math and science programs.
Available Courses
Math | Science | English | Social Studies |
Math 5 Math 6 |
Science 5 Science 6 Science 7 |
English 5 English 6 English 7 English 8 English 9 |
Social Studies 6 |
$30 per year per subject. HCOS will automatically deduct this from a student's additional resources in Encom once they have accessed StudyForge.
Getting Started
Step 1 - Create an Account
Go ahead and create an account here.
Step 2 - Join Your Teacher's Group
Once you have created an account you will have access to sample material in StudyForge. In order to access the full courses, you will need to receive a join code from your teacher. Here are the instructions on how to join your teacher's group once you have received a join code.
Helpful Articles
Here are some helpful Knowledge Base articles to help you use StudyForge:
What can I do in a practice question?