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Grad Program - Physical Education Course Policy

Students are required to take Physical and Health Education 10 as part of their Dogwood Diploma program of study. 

Students may also opt to take additional physical education courses throughout their time in the grad program. Course options include: 

  • Outdoor Education 11/12

  • Active Living 11/12

  • Fitness and Conditioning 11/12

  • Dance Choreography or Dance Conditioning 10/11/12

While students are encouraged to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, we do recognize that most students will only be able to realistically meet the activity requirements of one course at a time. It is our practice at HCOS to have students active in one Physical Education related course at a time, to help avoid duplicate reporting of activities between courses. 

Students may complete more than one physical education type course in a school year, but should plan to work on them consecutively, completing one course before activating a second. 

In scenarios where students are engaged in high performance sport or other activities where their weekly activity hours regularly exceed 20 hours, students may be permitted to activate multiple Physical Education type courses concurrently.

If a Grad Advisor indicates to a student that they are approved to activate two courses at the same time, it is the responsibility of the student to: 

  • Contact both course instructors to create a unique plan for each course (no doubling up of activity hours in logs, reporting unique activities for each course, etc). 

  • Submit work and assignments that are unique and original for each course

    • Students are not permitted to submit the same assignment, activity logs, etc in multiple courses. 

Grad Advisors will: 

  • Work with and advise families on course enrolment plans that are appropriate for the student. 

  • Manage course enrolments to help ensure only one PE-related course is activated at a time (unless extenuating circumstances are identified). 

    • This includes checking if PHE courses from the previous school year have been completed

  • Contact course teachers in the case where a student is approved to work on more than one PHE course concurrently so course teachers are aware of potential conflicts and overlap

Course teachers have the freedom to:

  • Communicate with one another and the student as needed to ensure a clear, unique plan for each course is in place

  • Check with other course teachers to ensure duplicate work is not being submitted

Submission of the same activity reports, assignments, or other work in two different courses is in violation of our Academic Integrity Policy. In these cases, it is up to the course instructor’s professional discretion to respond to the violation in line with our school policies.