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Crew Program Withdrawal Policy

Crew is a complete school year of programming, which begins in September and finishes in June. 

Students enrolled in the Crew programming are connected with an academic advisor who will assist with course planning. Once courses are selected, students and parents will communicate with cohort teachers about their courses to create SLP’s as needed. Students will complete all of their grade 8 or 9 courses with Crew teachers. 

Enrolling in the Crew program moves your student from a support teacher to an academic advisor. Support teachers will be given additional students on their rosters to replace students who have moved to Crew. Because K-9 support teacher loads will be full, crew students will not be able to move back to the K-9 Foundations program mid-year. They are expected to complete the 1-year program. 

Students will not be able to change programming mid-year. Enrolment in Crew is a commitment to the full school year of programming. 

If the student is in grade 8, students will have the choice in grade 9  to remain in Crew or to move back to the K-9 Foundations program. If students move back to the Foundations program in grade 9, they may or may not be placed with their previous support teacher. 

If a Crew student is struggling, please reach out to their academic advisor. The advisor is well equipped to support students who are facing a variety of challenges. The advisor will work together with the crew teaching team and other school support staff to ensure each crew student has access to the appropriate options available to support students.