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FAQ- General Questions

I am an HCOS Registered Student. How does that affect my participation in LG opportunities?

As a Registered Homeschooler with HCOS you have access to all of our Learning Camp opportunities throughout the province. HCOS Homeschoolers are eligible for Heritage Enrolled Community pricing; however, in some instances HCOS Registered Homeschoolers pay the same fee as General Community Students. For more information, contact Claire Pollok.

How do I volunteer with a Learning Group?

We require all staff and volunteers working with students to have a Criminal Record Check clearance letter on file with us prior to the event/class. You can contact us at any time to get this on file; it sometimes takes a bit of time to process. Please complete the LG Volunteer CRC Information form and proceed as per the instructions that will be emailed to you. 

What is the difference between Learning Camps, Community Connections and Community Connections Plus?

  • Learning Camps are single day or short term activities such as a field trip or workshop.
  • Community Connections are weekly half or full day opportunities throughout the school year. These multi-term classes offer a campus-style environment while maintaining a home education flavour.
  • Community Connections Plus classes run weekly for 30 weeks where HCOS instructors fully teach and assess that subject, reporting in Encom.
  • Please visit our SOPHIE page on Types of Learning Groups Opportunities for more information

If I am not a student with Heritage. Can I participate in the Learning Group Opportunities?

Absolutely! While priority does go to Heritage Students, unless a Learning Camp is specifically noted as Heritage Community only, students from General Community schools are welcome to join us. To participate at Community Connections, students must be HCOS Enrolled.

HCOS reviews external applications on a case-by-case basis to determine if the program is conducive to student success. Contact LG admin for further information.

Why are there different fees for Heritage Students and General Community Students?

Heritage subsidizes their students through fee reductions and with the staff required to oversee and administer Learning Groups. General Community students are not subsidized by Heritage and therefore their cost for an event is higher to reflect the actual cost of an event.

What opportunities are traditionally offered?

Please visit our Year at a Glance calendar grid for an overview of all LG offerings to date this year.

I have another question not listed here. Who can I contact?

Please send any questions and concerns regarding a Learning Group activity to, noting which LG opportunity you’re inquiring about. One of our team members will be happy to assist you.