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What can I spend my funding on?

Resources and Programs provided by HCOS (Internal)
Resources and Programs by 3rd Party providers (External to HCOS) 
  • Classes, activities & lessons that are not part of HCOS
    • Lesson provider must Criminal Record Check on file prior to the first lesson
  • Educational subscriptions
  • Activity books, workbooks, flash cards, educational games, lego, building blocks, etc...
  • Kits 
  • Curriculum bundles
  • PDF's & digital items
  • Educational Memberships, such as Science World, Aquarium, Art Museums, etc... 
  • Recreational memberships, such as passes to a recreational center
  • Art Supplies
  • Printer ink and printer paper
  • Textbooks
  • DVDs
  • Physical books and novels 
  • Head phones (max $100.00)

Allowable Equipment:

  • Eligible “equipment” over $100 needs to have an Equipment Agreement signed by the parent (if under $100 it does NOT need an agreement). 
    • Examples of Eligible Equipment: Printer  (max amt. $300 before taxes and warranty), Laminator, Binding machine (max amt. $100 after taxes), Tablet (max amt. $125.00 before taxes; no warranty) or Kindle
    • Example of Non-Eligible Equipment: We are not able to purchase 3D printers or any printer over $300 (before taxes and warranty) and Binding Machines exceeding $100.00 (after taxes).
    • Example of Eligible Equipment that does not need an Equipment Agreement signed: Printer under $100.00
  • Must be approved by HCOS Teacher AND be included in student SLP – IMPORTANT
  • Teacher must check and see if the family has sufficient funds in their budget
  • Teacher must check and see if the family has all needed curriculum (The purchase should NOT put curriculum needs in jeopardy)
  • The item must be a reasonable cost. If unsure, please ask Ted Gerk
  • The item must be directly linked to a course they are enrolled in…as per student SLP
Curriculum & Computer Agreement and Deposit: Agreement between HCOS and parent/guardian - Signed by all parents/guardians during enrollment