FAQ- Community Connections
What are the main differences between the types of Community Connections?
See the LG Types of Opportunities SOPHIE page for more information
How do I sign-up for Community Connections?
Community Connections are open to HCOS Enrolled students.
All types of Community Connections are via a Learning Groups application link, separate from enrollment in the school. In any given year, returning students are first given an opportunity to apply. If space allows, students on the Waiting Pool list will be contacted and offered spots as available. Then if space remains, the application link will be posted to the HCOS Learning Groups website.
If you are not currently participating in a Community Connection and are interested in attending in the next school year, or enquiring about possibilities for the current school year, please indicate your interest via the CC Waiting Pool
If I sign-up, does that mean my child has a seat?
All LG sign-ups are applications, which are subject to review and approval from the event coordinator. There are a variety of factors involved prior to acceptance for the final class lists.
Can families apply for CC as application links are opened and make the full payment on their PO or will this have to wait until they have paid their tuition for the following year and the amount of PO funds available is determined?
Yes, as an HCOS program, families can indicate PO# payment for CC applications prior to all the PO funds being available.
How do HCOS PO# funds work with CC and CC Plus?
When students apply to attend a CC or CC+ for the upcoming year, a minimum application fee amount is collected by credit card. The HCOS PO# can then be used for the balance of the fees.
- Parents can look at their resource funding and make more than the minimum payment if desired
- HCOS PO# funds (balance) will be processed in the Fall (after the deadline)
- When the office adds students into their CC+ Courses in Encom, the fees will automatically be deducted at that time.
Please note: If there are not enough funds in the family Encom account) to cover the balance due, the amount outstanding will be charged to the credit card on file (used in the CC/CC+ online application).
How do Grad Credits work with CC+ Courses?
For CC+ courses, Gr. 10-12 Students receive a $100 credit towards each 4 credit course they take at CC, or $50 toward each 2 credit course. The $550 CC+ course fees appear in Encom as each student is added to the class and are automatically adjusted to take into consideration the applicable grad course resource credits so that only the balance shown is what is due to be paid. Visual example of how it will appear in Encom. The balance due will be assessed to available family Encom funds or processed to the credit card used in the application.
I’ve applied for enrollment with HCOS, and I want my child to attend CC. Now what?
We appreciate your patience as your enrollment is being processed by HCOS. While you are waiting for your HCOS enrollment to be confirmed and information verified, you may visit learninggroups.ca to apply for the CC. If the application link to the CC is not available on our website, you may add your information to the CC Waiting Pool. This does not guarantee acceptance into CC but is a place to start. In the event that HCOS is not able to accommodate your child(ren) in the current school year, you may have opportunity to attend CC as a Heritage Registered student or General Community student (with the applicable fee), or you may remove your CC application by contacting lg@onlinschool.ca.
What production will Ignite Theatre or Sparks put on next?
Please check out ignitetheatre.ca for the grand reveal!
If my child wants to be involved in Ignite Theatre, what type of commitment is involved?
Ignite Theatre is a Community Connections Plus with family project-based learning on a grand scale with parent responsibilities outlined here. One parent from each family is expected to put in volunteer hours throughout the year AND during our Theatre Week which is the weekend leading into Victoria Day and that full week. Parental involvement is CRUCIAL to the success and excellence of our production. Sparks CC is our recreational performing arts track, where students in grades 2 to 7 can explore the basics of musical theatre without substantial parent volunteer responsibility.
Are cancellation options different for CCs and Longer-term Offerings?
Yes, while most Learning camps are non-refundable, CCs and some longer-term Learning Camps may have a graduated cancellation fee schedule noted in an application.