Moodle & Interactive PDF Information
If this is the first time your student is experiencing an online course, or if you are new to taking a course with HCOS, we think that you will find the following information a good starting point.
How to use the interactive PDF assignments
Your course uses interactive PDF documents for all assignments. This ensures that students and teachers can open and complete the assignments, regardless of what computer hardware and software they may have.
Here are a few tips to help you use the assignment PDFs effectively:
When you click on the word “here” it will automatically download the assignment. You will need to open it using Adobe Reader. See instructions in the next paragraph on how to open the assignment in Adobe Reader.
Open the PDF
It is important to download the PDF before working on it. The downloaded assignment will usually appear either at the bottom left hand corner of your screen as a little folder or page, or at the top right hand corner as a little arrow pointing down. The image you see will depend on what type of computer you are on. You can open this by right-clicking and select “Open with…” then select Adobe Reader. You can also choose to open automatically with Adobe Reader, and this will save one step in the process in future.
Completing Assignments
As you work through the assignments, be sure to save the PDF on your computer each time you make changes. Each lesson is designed to cover approximately 3-4 activities, 45-60 minutes long each, so make sure that you scroll through and complete all of the assignments gradually over a period of several days. You will hand in the completed PDF once you have filled in ALL of the assignments.
You will notice a field on the bottom of each rubric for “Student Comments.” Your teacher may ask you to write something specific here, but if not, feel free to use it if you want to point-out something in particular on the assignment or you may leave it blank.