Recently Updated Pages
World Watch News
World Watch News (Grades 7-12) contains current news stories from Christian journalists through e...
Setting up a Student Brightspace Account
If you log into Brightspace and cannot see your courses, please ensure you are logged in with the...
Grad Orientation Week Recordings 2024
Welcome to the Grad Program What Math is Right for Me? (Math 101) What Course Type to Choos...
The Role of the Grad Advisor
In the grad program at Flex Academy, students are connected with a Grad Advisor. The Grad Advisor...
Logging Into Brightspace and Accessing Course Pages
To access your Brightspace account and your course shells, go to the Brightspace Login page at th...
Navigating the Landing Page in Brightspace
Brightspace is the Learning Management System (LMS) used by HCOS to offer a wide variety of cours...
The guiding principles of inclusive practice inform HCOS programs, policies, practices, and servi...
EVERFI (K-Grade 12) covers digital citizenship, STEM, financial literacy, health education, and c...
General FAQs
How do I obtain resources for the start of the school year? Families should contact their suppor...
Conflict Resolution and Appeal Policy
At Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) we have five different people groups involved in the p...
Student Discipline Policy
This page provides a standard course of action for students who struggle to meet the expectations...
Student Records Requirements and Best Practices Policy
Note: For the purpose of this policy, the lead administrator in Flex Academy is the Head of Schoo...
Procedural Fairness Policy
These guidelines explain in general terms the principles which are the basis of “procedural fairn...
Education Resource Policy
Rationale Outline the procedures that determine how learning resources are chosen and how Flex A...
Conflict Resolution and Appeal Policy
At Flex Academy we have five different people groups involved in the process of providing educati...
Acceleration and Retention Policy
Flex Academy Acceleration and Retention Policy Acceleration Policy "Acceleration is the practic...
Child Abuse and Neglect Policy
Preamble Flex Academy is committed to the prevention of child abuse and the enhancement of the...
Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA)
This page provides information to help assess whether a threat is Imminent or Not Imminent and th...
Emergency Response Protocol
Add this contact information to your cell phone for quick reference in an emergency. Head of Sch...
Child Abuse and Neglect Policy
Preamble Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) is committed to the prevention of child abus...