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Education Resource Policy
Rationale Outline the procedures that determine how learning resources are chosen and how Flex A...
Course Withdrawal Policy
At Flex Academy we strive to offer flexible course solutions for our students. We recognize that ...
Conflict Resolution and Appeal Policy
At Flex Academy we have five different people groups involved in the process of providing educati...
Communication Policy
Flex Academy will make every effort to meet the following protocols in their communication to par...
Cash Payment Policy
Flex Acadamy follows HCOS policies regarding cash payments, which can be found here
Administration Performance Evaluation Policy
Heads of School, Flex Directors and Flex Administrators will be evaluated as they near the end of...
Acceleration and Retention Policy
Flex Academy Acceleration and Retention Policy Acceleration Policy "Acceleration is the practic...
Academic Integrity Policy
Rationale At Flex Academy, we believe students are reflective and adaptable thinkers who act wit...
Student Supervision
Supervision Before and After School and during Breaks At the beginning of the school day, parent...
Electronic Supervision and Online Session Recording
For the protection of Flex Academy, our staff, our teachers, our parents and our students, we hav...
Discrimination Protection Policy
The safety and wellbeing of children in our school is of paramount consideration. Children deser...
Personal Information Privacy Policy for Employees and Volunteers
The School’s Commitment to You Safeguarding the personal information of employees and volunteers...
Substance Use Policy
Flex Academy endeavors to see all members of its community as healthy as possible, physically, ps...
Student Record Policy
Definitions In this Student Records Policy, the following terms have the meanings set out below:...
International Student Policy
Flex Academy is a Christian school, and all curriculum includes a biblical worldview. This means ...
Field Trip Policy
Flex Academy affirms the educational value of well-planned and well-supervised curricular and ext...
Athletics Code of Conduct
Rationale Our aim is to have Athletics be a meaningful part of students' school experience andou...
Emergency Drills Steps for Hold, Secure, & Lockdown
Other Situations that may be Encountered
First Aid Level A - Minor Injury Minor injuries such as a scrape, minor cut, bruising, etc. may...
Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA)
This page provides information to help assess whether a threat is Imminent or Not Imminent and th...