Recently Updated Pages
Course Extension or Retention Process
Intent It is our intent to: Meet students where they are at and provide adaptations t...
Student Discipline Policy
This page provides a standard course of action for students who struggle to meet the expectations...
Education Resource Policy
This policy sets out the procedures that determine how learning resources are chosen, as well as ...
Administration and Staff Contacts
This page provides contact information for our school administration and office staff. Adminis...
Brightspace Troubleshooting
Logging into Brightspace It is best to do this while logged into a Flex Academy or HCOS Google...
Brightspace Troubleshooting
Viewing Student Feedback in Brightspace and StudyForge
There are different avenues for students to view their feedback on work submitted to their course...
Integrity Advocate - Student Experience
Some courses will require students to be proctored for exams using Integrity Advocate. There are...
Accessing Your Gradebook
To access your gradebook for a specific course in Brightspace: Begin by logging into Brightspace...
Parent Town Hall Q&A
Parent and Guardian Access to Brightspace
We believe that at home learning requires engaged parents and guardians. Brightspace provides a P...
Navigating the Course Homepage
Once logged into Brightspace, to access your course(s) click on one of the tiles located in the M...
Message, Subscription and Update Alerts
At the top of your Brightspace login you will see five different icons located next to your profi...
Setting Up your Brightspace Profile
To set up your profile within Brightspace: Log In Once logged in, at the top right, click...
Student Brightspace Access
Encom Access & Icon Explanation
Encom is a database in which student records and reports are stored. This can be considered t...
Transitioning from Grade 9
Welcome to the Grad Program! This page is to help you understand some of the ins and outs and ch...
Course Options
Flex Academy offers the flexibility to design a unique High School experience with a variety of d...
Encom Access & Icon Explanation
Encom is a database in which student records and reports are stored. This can be considered t...
Course Options
HCOS offers the flexibility to design a unique High School experience with a variety of different...