Recently Updated Pages
Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA)
This page provides information to help assess whether a threat is Imminent or Not Imminent and th...
BrainPOP Science
BrainPOP Science (Grades 6-8) empowers students to do, discuss, and analyze scientific ideas thro...
Website Resources
Due to the sensitive nature of Remembrance Day topics, we recommend that parents guide their stud...
Learning Commons Resources
Due to the sensitive nature of Remembrance Day topics, we recommend that parents guide their stud...
Website Resources
Due to the sensitive nature of Truth and Reconciliation Day topics, we recommend that parents gui...
Learning Commons Resources
Truth and Reconciliation Due to the sensitive nature of Truth and Reconciliation Day topics, we ...
Remembrance Day
We observe Remembrance Day on November 11 each year. It is a time to honour the courage, sacrif...
Online Course Technical Requirements
Students in online courses use Brightspace and StudyForge to engage with course material. Synchro...
Online Course Preview - Guest Pass
If a family would like to preview an online course before committing to it as a part of their edu...
Orientation to Online Courses
ADST: Orientation to Online Courses Note: This module was formerly titled "Skills for Online Suc...
Tips for Middle School Online Success
Navigating online courses can be challenging for first time students. Here are a few tips to help...
Flex Family Calendar 2024/2025
This calendar provides an overview of the upcoming dates for families. Every effort is made to no...
HearBuilder (K-Grade 8) is an online literacy program that provides systematic instruction in bas...
Learning Habits
Students in synchronous, face-to-face and blended courses will receive assessment on Learning Hab...
Learning Habits
Students in synchronous, face-to-face and blended courses will receive assessment on Learning Hab...
Understanding Your Report Card
Flex Academy has three reporting periods for grades Junior Kindergarten through grade 9 and two r...
Understanding Your Report Card
HCOS has two reporting periods for all grades, Kindergarten through Grade 12. In addition to the ...
Viewing a Student Report Card
To view your student’s report card in Encom, please begin by logging in.Click the Report Card but...
Viewing a Student Report Card
To view your student’s report card in Encom, please begin by logging in.Click the Report Card but...
Getting Started
The Search Portal is the place to access Learning Commons resources such as physical books and ki...