Recently Updated Pages
Canva for Education
Canva is a great tool for creating rich and engaging communication using various media. HCOS is h...
HCOS to BCOS Transfer Request: Why is this necessary?
Rationale The Ministry of Education expects that when a student is enrolled in courses in more t...
Crew Program Information
The Innovations Crew program will be launching for Grades 8 and 9 students in the 2025/2026 s...
Crew Program Withdrawal Policy
Crew is a complete school year of programming, which begins in September and finishes in June. ...
Crew Student Profile
Vision and Values
Vision To create a fun, safe, and inviting environment for middle school students to grow in the...
Matific (K-Grade 6) is a game-based platform for building specific mathematical concepts and skil...
External Online Resources
Overview We’ve curated dozens of educational resources available for free online. These sites of...
Google Workspace for Education
Google Workspace for Education gives students access to many Google apps. Some of the popular app...
New Families: Eight Steps for Getting Started in K-9
WELCOME! You're signed up with HCOS. You've talked with a Regional Administrator, and your chi...
Reading Eggs, Fast Phonics, & Reading Eggspress
Reading Eggs (K-Grade 7) focuses on a core phonics and sight words curriculum using skills and st...
Flex Family Calendar 2024/2025
This calendar provides an overview of the upcoming dates for families. Every effort is made to no...
Community Opportunities
This page is a central database of community opportunities that families might like to investigat...
Seed Lite
Seed Lite is a small taste of the Seed program. It is an ADST module available for Grades 5-8 s...
Provincial Assessments - Literacy and Numeracy
What is a Provincial Assessment? There are three provincial assessments that Grad program studen...
Grad Planner - FAQ
What is the purpose of the Grad Planner? As students complete Grades 10-12 in British Columbia,...
Grad Planner - FAQ
What is the purpose of the Grad Planner? As students complete Grades 10-12 in British Columbia,...
Grad Planner - For Families
As students enter the grad program at HCOS (Grade 10-12), they begin building their transcript an...
Grad Program - Physical Education Course Policy
Students are required to take Physical and Health Education 10 as part of their Dogwood Diploma p...
The Role of the Grad Advisor
In the grad program at HCOS, students are connected with a Grad Advisor based on the region where...