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423 total results found
FAQ- HCOS Scripture Memorization Challenge
Which Psalms will be the focus for the Challenge? For students wanting to learn 35 verses, the verses will be: Psalm 1, 13, 23, 57, and 150. For students wanting to learn 70 verses, they will memorize the 35 verse selections as well as: Psalm 8, 30, 98, and 1...
FAQ Navigating the LG Website “Participate Now” Offerings Page
Learning Groups has a new website this year! All of our current offerings are listed on the “Participate Now” page and are labeled to show the status of an application. Each offering will have a label on top as seen below: APPLICATION OPEN: Indicates that the...
Grammarly for Students
Grammarly for Education is a tool to support students with real-time feedback on their writing. Grammarly can be downloaded or added as a browser extension, plus students can interact with the Grammarly Editor online. Here are some helpful tutorials for gettin...
Flex Academy Tuition Information
As a division of Heritage Christian Online School, an independent school in BC, Flex Academy receives only 50% of the funding that an equivalent public school receives. In order to provide the educational services expected of a school, independent schools need...
Flex Schedules
Below are some examples of what scheduling may look like. Please note these are subject to change at any point. Flex Academy Foundations (K-5) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Grades K-2 Mixed Grade Explorations Day ...
The Role of the Grad Advisor
In the grad program at HCOS, students are connected with a Grad Advisor based on the region where they live. These Grad Advisors work alongside students and families throughout their time in the grad program to help plan, support and guide students to successf...
Flex Academy Information Session for HCOS Families
The following recording was an information session about Flex Academy specifically geared towards current Heritage Christian Online School families.
Plagiarism Information for Parents
What is plagiarism? As a school, one of our core values is integrity. We expect that all HCOS students act with integrity and make every effort to present original work when submitting assignments, citing outside research to give credit to other authors when ...
School Calendar for Families 2023/2024
This calendar provides families key dates for various deadlines, breaks and important information during this school year. August 2023 August 18 (4:00pm) - September 5 (8:00am) Moodle and Brightspace shutdown September 2023 September 4 Labour Da...
Flex Academy - Junior Kindergarten Tuition Information
Flex Academy is proud to offer Junior Kindergarten (JK) as part of a full suite of educational programming. Junior Kindergarten is available for ages 3 to 5 with various scheduling options. Please note, the dates/times listed below will only proceed with su...
Strategic Plan
Flex Academy - FAQ for HCOS families with Inclusive Education Students
Clarifying not home-learning: Flex is a teacher-directed brick and mortar experience. If a Inclusive Education (IE) student is attending Flex Academy full time, will the family have any say in how the student is supported and funds are spent? A: Funding wi...
Setting Up your Brightspace Profile
To set up your profile within Brightspace: Log In Once logged in, at the top right, click on your initials Click ‘Profile’ Here you can update: Profile picture Images must be less than 1MB in size Remember that this image will be s...
Message, Subscription and Update Alerts
At the top of your Brightspace login you will see five different icons located next to your profile image and name. There are two icons in addition to the alerts: The ‘waffle’ is a shortcut to search your courses. It allows you to navigate to...
Navigating the Course Homepage
Once logged into Brightspace, to access your course(s) click on one of the tiles located in the My Courses Widget. If you cannot see all your courses, make sure you have selected All. Once you have entered the course of your choice you will see a navigatio...
Navigating the Landing Page in Brightspace
Brightspace is the Learning Management System (LMS) used by HCOS to offer a wide variety of courses including online (asynchronous and synchronous), hybrid, Community Connections + and even some individualized offerings. While course experiences may be diffe...
Parent and Guardian Access to Brightspace
We believe that at home learning requires engaged parents and guardians. Brightspace provides a Parent Portal to access announcements, grades, feedback and upcoming assignments for each of course their students are enrolled in. See more about what is availab...
Dual Credits
The ministry of education has provided an option for students to be involved in dual credit programs where they enrol in and complete post-secondary courses or training and also earn secondary (high school) credits at the same time. These dual-credit programs ...
Parent Town Hall Q&A
Accessing Your Gradebook
To access your gradebook for a specific course in Brightspace: Begin by logging into Brightspace with your username and password. Navigate to the course through the 'My Courses' widget on the homepage and click on the course. At the top of the course hom...