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454 total results found

Grad FAQs

Information for Families Grad Program

For more detailed information on the Grad program at HCOS, requirements for graduation, course selection and planning, please see our series of Orientation Week videos here.  Do you have face-to-face opportunities for kids?  Yes, we offer face-to-face opport...


Frequently Asked Questions

Information for Families General Information

This is a landing page that has been designed to direct you to specific FAQs in the varying departments here at HCOS.  General Tuition and Bursary K-9 Program Grad Program Learning Services Learning Commons Learning Groups

Provincial Assessments - Literacy and Numeracy

Information for Families Grad Program

What is a Provincial Assessment? There are three provincial assessments that Grad program students need to take. Grade 10 Graduation Numeracy Assessment  The Graduation Numeracy Assessment (GNA) is a provincial assessment written in Grade 10. It is a gradua...

General FAQs

Information for Families General Information

How do I obtain resources for the start of the school year? Families should contact their support teacher or Grad Program course teacher to discuss resources. Once resources have been agreed upon, you can make a curriculum purchase using your HCOS Purchase Or...

K-9 FAQs

Information for Families K-9 Program

We have enrolled, talked with the Registrar and Regional Administrator, what are the next steps? Please view our New Families: Eight Steps for getting started in K-9 for more information. Who is my Regional Administrator? You can see who your Regional Admi...


Tuition Process Tutorial

Information for Families Tuition & Resources

To access the tuition portal, log in to Encom and click the Tuition link shown in the image below. We have provided a step by step walkthrough for your first student once you are in the portal.  You can also view the video below for a brief tutorial. Import...

Booking for Gr. 10-12 Textbooks

Information for Families Grad Program

Please note: This is for Individualized Patrons with Encom Passwords Logging into the Search Portal: Click on this link:  You will see the Search Portal menu below; click on the Login in the right hand upper corne...

How To

Resource Vendor Directory

Information for Families Curriculum Budget

Please see the Resource Vendor Directory page for a list of vendors: Resource Vendor Directory 

Emergency Response Protocol

HCOS Policies Emergency Response Policies

Add this contact information to your cell phone for quick reference in an emergency. Academic Head of School: Sara Kraushar (778-554-5515) Business Head of School: Craig Kwiatkowski (250-859-2202) LG Director: Christine Loewen (250-571-2594) LG Assistant D...


Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA)

HCOS Policies Emergency Response Policies

This page provides information to help assess whether a threat is Imminent or Not Imminent and the protocol to follow. A threat is an expression of intent to do harm or act out violently against self, someone else or something. Threats may be verbal, written,...


Lockdown Types

HCOS Policies Emergency Response Policies

This page provides information on various types of lockdowns and the applicable procedure to adhere to accordingly. Full Lockdown (Code Red) – This scenario involves a serious threat that requires immediate action. Internal Threat – This threat exists when t...


Other Situations that may be Encountered

HCOS Policies Emergency Response Policies

This page provides information on other situations that may be encountered, such as general de-escalation and first-aid protocols. Class Cancelled or Parent Communication Needed The Coordinator connects with LG RA.  Together they decide on mode of com...

First Aid

Emergency in General Community Locations

HCOS Policies Emergency Response Policies

Emergency encountered while in the Community or on the road i.e. during a Learning Camp or other Learning Group Activity  LG proposal and approvals as per LG Event Planning Steps Include inherent risks and complete waiver forms as appropriate As indicated i...


Student Supports at HCOS

Information for Families Student Support

Families at HCOS have many opportunities and freedoms when shaping their learning environment to best fit their child's needs. They can build learning around the movement a child needs, the best time of day to learn, the topics that interest and motivate them...

FSA - Confirming Student Mailing Address

Information for Families Assessment

In order to ensure families receive the Foundation Skill Assessment (FSA) packages mailed out to grade 4 and 7 students, it helps tremendously to have mailing addresses in Encom up to date.  Please make sure to update the STUDENT mailing list (not the parent ...


Truth and Reconciliation Week Introduction

Information for Families Truth & Reconciliation Week

On Monday, September 30th we will observe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which has been implemented in response to the recommendations from the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action. As a Christian community we are united in ...

Learning Commons Resources

Information for Families Truth & Reconciliation Week

Truth and Reconciliation Residential Schools.  Due to the sensitive nature of residential schools, we recommend that parents guide their student's conversations while reading the stories. Learning Commons | Selected Books These books have been selected as a...

Website Resources

Information for Families Truth & Reconciliation Week

Truth and Reconciliation Week Truth and Reconciliation Week 2023 is a national program open to all schools across Canada. This year, our theme is “Remembering the Children”. Join us as we memorialize the children lost to the residential school system and ho...

How the Church is Responding

Information for Families Truth & Reconciliation Week

Here are some sample church teachings where pastors have partnered with Indigenous communities to help build bridges towards reconciliation. Living Waters Church Series: We Are Kwantlen Happiness: 7 Traditional Laws Humbleness: 7 Traditional Laws North Ame...

Using Adobe Creative Cloud

Information for Families Technology & Programs

Once your teacher has requested an account and provided you with the login information you can follow the steps below to get started. Download the Adobe Creative Cloud App from Once installed, stud...