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423 total results found
Advanced Placement Courses
What are they? The Advanced Placement (AP) program makes college and university level courses available for students to take while they’re still in secondary school. For students who are interested in extending their learning beyond the grade 12 level, while ...
Advanced Placement FAQs
1. Do I have to take 2 final exams (the school’s final exam and the Collegeboard’s AP exam in May)? Most AP courses require an online proctored final exam for you to receive your high school course credit. This exam must be written to receive this credit. ...
Career Life Education & Career Life Connections Courses
This page is designed to outline the differences in the Career Life Education (CLE) and Career Life Connections (CLC) offerings at HCOS. Career Life Education should be taken before Career Life Connections. The Ministry of Education has outline the rationa...
Comparative Civilizations Program (with Overseas Travel)
Flex Academy Grad students can cross-enroll with HCOS if they would like to participate in the Comparative Civilizations Program (in years it is running). See this page for more information on this opportunity.
Course Options
Flex Academy offers the flexibility to design a unique High School experience with a variety of different learning options. All courses provide credit towards the BC Dogwood Diploma. Hybrid Courses Flex Academy offers Blended courses at the grad level in Mat...
Course Withdrawals or Changes
Students and parents can request course withdrawals or changes during the year, however, there are some implications that need to be acknowledged when changes are made to courses that are in progress. If you withdraw from a course you were activated in (in pr...
Dual Credits
The Ministry of Education and Child Care has provided an option for students to be involved in dual credit programs where they enrol in and complete post-secondary courses or training and also earn secondary (high school) credits at the same time. These dual-c...
Grad Planner - FAQ
What is the purpose of the Grad Planner? As students complete Grades 10-12 in British Columbia, they begin building their transcript and accumulating credits towards a diploma. The Grad Planner module in Encom is used for planning and tracking student progre...
Flex Academy Graduation Certificate
This page outlines the requirements needed to receive a Flex Graduation Certificate on top of a student's BC Dogwood Diploma. Students who complete the BC Graduation requirements receive a BC Dogwood Diploma. HCOS students who complete a minimum of 8 credits...
Transferring to Flex Academy from within HCOS
The Ministry of Education expects that when a student is enrolled in courses in more than one school, the school that holds the majority of courses is designated as the school of record (SOR). Flex Academy is both a division of HCOS, and a separate school enti...
Math Course Options and Streams
This page provides information regarding the various courses and streams a student can take at HCOS for Math Students in Grade 10 will have to make a decision regarding what Math courses to take Things to consider when choosing a Math Stream: Studen...
Monitoring Progress & Official Reporting
Your Student's Schedule Each of our dedicated Course Specialist teachers are there to support your student in their learning journey. Teachers can help set up course schedules, but it is best that you as the parent collaborate with your student to decide on t...
Provincial Assessments - Literacy and Numeracy
What is a Provincial Assessment? There are three provincial assessments that Grad program students need to take. Grade 10 Graduation Numeracy Assessment The Graduation Numeracy Assessment (GNA) is a provincial assessment written in Grade 10. It is a gradua...
Flex Academy grad teachers will walk students through the process for scheduling exams for any Flex Blended courses that have an exam component.
The Role of the Grad Advisor
In the grad program at Flex Academy, students are connected with a Grad Advisor. The Grad Advisor works alongside students and families throughout their time in the grad program to help plan, support and guide students to successfully complete grade 12. Grad ...
Transitioning from Grade 9
Welcome to the Grad Program! This page is to help you understand some of the ins and outs and changes as you move from Grade 9 to Grade 10. At any time, if the information is confusing please feel free to reach out to your Grad Advisor (GA). They are your sid...
Viewing Graduation Assessment Results and Your Transcript
This page provides information for students that would like to view their unofficial transcript or see the results of a Graduation Assessment Results. Step 1: Create BCeID To access your StudentTranscripts Services, you will need to sign up for a BCeID. If ...
Inclusive Education
Inclusive Education (IE) Program Our IE Program works with students who receive additional funding to help build specialized programs that aid in their success as learners. Our diverse and robust program is made up of British Columbia certified teachers who s...
Truth and Reconcilation
Truth and Reconciliation Week How the Church is Responding Website Resources
Technology and Programs
As a division of Heritage Christian Online school, Flex Academy is pleased to provide students with a wide array of Technology, including laptops and chrome books at school, as well as software platforms to support learning, Please see this page for more info...