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423 total results found
Emergency Drills Policy
At Flex Academy, we value the safety of staff and students. We practice fire, earthquake and lockdown procedures each year to help keep us prepared in the case of an emergency. Drill Type and Frequency: Earthquake Drills - 1x per year (See document ShakeOu...
Emergency in General Community Locations
Emergency encountered during a Field Trip Families will sign field trip forms that: Include inherent risks and complete waiver forms as appropriate As indicated in the event planning steps, ensure access to Student medical and safety forms Student suppor...
Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA)
This page provides information to help assess whether a threat is Imminent or Not Imminent and the protocol to follow accordingly. A threat is an expression of intent to do harm or act out violently against self, someone else or something. Threats may be verb...
Other Situations that may be Encountered
First Aid Level A - Minor Injury Minor injuries such as a scrape, minor cut, bruising, etc. may be treated by any Adults in Charge. Supplies (band aid, ice pack) are available on location as arranged. Mention to Coordinator and Adult in Charge. Inform pare...
Safety Hazard Reporting
The KCCS Safety Hazard Reporting form will go directly to the KCC safety team, where it will be actioned promptly. Flex staff can report observed safety hazards using this form. Safety Hazard Reporting form
First Aid Policy
This page provides information on the First Aid Policy for Flex Academy. Flex Academy has the following First Aid Attendants: NAME DEPT LEVEL NOTES J’aimee Graston Flex 2 905/907 Campus Justine Dehod Flex 1 90...
Discrimination Protection Policy
The safety and wellbeing of children in our school is of paramount consideration. Children deserve to be protected from abuse, neglect, bullying, harm or threat of harm. Therefore, Flex Academy staff and teachers will ensure that children attending our schoo...
Electronic Supervision and Online Session Recording
For the protection of Flex Academy, our staff, our teachers, our parents and our students, we have the following safeguards in place: Leadership may at any time request to see any and all email correspondence teacher to teacher, teacher to parent, and teacher...
Student Supervision
Supervision Before and After School and during Breaks At the beginning of the school day, parents and guardians are asked to drop off students between 8:15-8:30am so that students can go directly to their classrooms. Parents and guardians are asked to pick u...
Personal Information Privacy Policy for Parents and Students
The School’s Commitment to You Safeguarding personal information of parents and students is a fundamental concern of Flex Academy. The school is committed to meeting or exceeding the privacy standards established by British Columbia’s Personal Information Pro...
Academic Integrity Policy
Rationale At Flex Academy, we believe students are reflective and adaptable thinkers who act with honesty, integrity, and transparency, walking in the wholeness that comes from an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ. Our expectation is that students will...
Acceleration and Retention Policy
Flex Academy Acceleration and Retention Policy Acceleration Policy "Acceleration is the practice of placing students at a higher than normal level of instruction to meet their learning needs. It occurs when a teacher provides the student with an advanced cur...
Administration Performance Evaluation Policy
Heads of School, Flex Directors and Flex Administrators will be evaluated as they near the end of their first year of employment with Flex Academy. This evaluation will be comprised of two parts: Administrator’s Self-Evaluation and Supervisor's Evaluation. The...
Cash Payment Policy
Flex Acadamy follows HCOS policies regarding cash payments, which can be found here
Communication Policy
Flex Academy will make every effort to meet the following protocols in their communication to parents and students as well as between other Flex Academy teachers, staff and administration: Communicate in a positive, polite and supportive manner, always consid...
Conflict Resolution and Appeal Policy
At Flex Academy we have five different people groups involved in the process of providing education: Children Parents Educators: Teachers, Education Assistants and Learning Coaches Administration Staff and Leaders School Committee & Kelowna Christian Cent...
Course Challenge and Equivalency Policy
Course Challenge Policy To challenge a course is to prove the student has undocumented prior learning. Students are entitled to challenge in order to receive credit for Ministry Authorized or Board Authority Authorized Grade 11-12 courses. Before engaging in...
Course Withdrawal Policy
At Flex Academy we strive to offer flexible course solutions for our students. We recognize that students and parents/families change their minds regarding courses after enrolling, even when a significant amount of the coursework has been completed. Student R...
Dual Credit Policy
Policy Statement Students may earn credits toward graduation in a variety of ways. In addition to earning credits by successfully completing courses delivered by a B.C. public or independent school, students will be awarded credits through this policy for dua...
Education Resource Policy
Rationale Outline the procedures that determine how learning resources are chosen and how Flex Academy will address concerns or challenges. Definition of Learning Resources Learning Resources are texts, videos, software, and instructional materials that t...