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Focused Education Resources - BC Digital Classroom


Focused Education Resources (K - 12) is a consortium of BC public school districts and independent schools that work together cooperatively.

This Subscription is available to Enrolled, Flex, and Registered families.

The goal is to ensure that BC schools can access appropriate learning resources at the best possible price. Within Focused Education is the BC Digital Classroom.  

See the available resources below.



Logging In

On Campus

To log in go here.  

No username and password are required if you are on campus at Flex Academy. You can move easily between the different BC Digital Classroom resources.

At Home

To log in go here.

Scroll down to click on the icon for the subscription you wish to access, and a login page will open.   You will then enter the username and password found in the Search Portal  on the Subs/Password tab.

Once you have logged in to one of the resources on the Focused Ed page, you can easily move to another resource title without signing in again. Focused Ed will allow you to move between resources after signing in only once. Each new resource that you open will open in a new tab.

You may see this login area at the top right of the page (Especially on the Nat Geo Kids resource) as you move between resources. You DO NOT need to use this area to log in again. Scroll down the page and begin using the resource.


Using the Subscription

Each resource on the Focused Ed page has its own instruction page in the Subscriptions Chapter.

The Core Collection

includes resources from these vendors:

The a la Carte Collection

includes the following resources (Some resources require teachers to set up an account):      

  • Idello (This resource is only available to French Immersion schools.)

  • Live it Earth (Your resource teacher can set up your account.)

  • myBlueprint (We purchase an expanded version. Find access on the Search Portal.)  

  • National Film Board  

  • Teens 101 (Secular site. Please preview items before using them.)  



You can contact Margaret Basaraba by email for help with any questions.