Listed below is all the known content in the system that links to this item.
Understanding Your Student Learning Plan (SLP)
At HCOS, it is our goal to develop learning plans for our students that are specific to each stud...
K-9 Programs - Overview
Thank you for your interest in our Kindergarten to Grade 9 Program at Heritage Christian Online S...
Encom Budget - Overages
When a student enrolls with HCOS, they get a specified amount of funding, as shown in the family'...
FAQ- General Questions
I am an HCOS Registered Student. How does that affect my participation in LG opportunities? As a...
K-9 FAQs
We have enrolled, talked with the Registrar and Regional Administrator, what are the next steps? ...
Comparative Civilizations Program (with Overseas Travel)
Flex Academy Grad students can cross-enroll with HCOS if they would like to participate in the Co...
Educational Apps for Tablets & Phones
This page contains free and paid app suggestions in a variety of subject areas and grade levels. ...
10 FAQs for Back to School
1. How do you lease a computer/tablet/iPad? Our computer lease program is available. For more...
General FAQs
How do I obtain resources for the start of the school year? Families should contact their suppor...
Week of Welcome 2024
Click the link for your region or scroll down. Interior Lower Mainland North Island Interi...
Student Supports at HCOS
Families at HCOS have many opportunities and freedoms when shaping their learning environment to ...
New Families: Eight Steps for Getting Started in K-9
WELCOME! You're signed up with HCOS. You've talked with a Regional Administrator, and your chi...
Where to start when making a curriculum purchase?
There are two ways to make a curriculum purchase with HCOS Option 1. Purchase Order Number: Pu...
HCOS Learning Groups Information
This page provides information and resources related to HCOS Learning Groups. Welcome to HCOS...
Individualized Course Planning Guidelines for Grades 7 to 9
The information shared on this page is intended to set an end goal of where students should aim t...