Flex Academy Code of Conduct
For background information, see the Flex Academy Code of Conduct Terms and Definitions page.
The details in this code of conduct are not exhaustive but provide a view of how we approach conflict and problematic behaviour within the school community that is out of sync with our core values.
Purpose & Rationale
ThisThe Flex Academy Code of Conduct has been developed to provide parameters aroundoutlines our expectations of Flexmembers Academyof students and Community members. Thethe Flex AcademyCommunity. It is built around the characteristics outlined in the Flex Learner, Teacher and Staff Profilesprofiles and our school’s Core Values.
“Flex foundationCommunity” or “the Community” refers to staff, teachers, contractors, students and parents enrolled at or working for thisFlex.
“Abusive behaviour” refers to acts directed towards members of conduct.
FlexCommunity Academythat Learnerare Profile
deemed Athreatening, Flexdemeaning, Academydisrespectful learneror is a reflective and adaptable thinker who is inquisitive, discerning, and full of wonder at God's world, courageous and sustained by hope with a merciful, humble, and empathetic heart, and an advocate who is responsivecontradictory to the needscore ofvalues others,and servingcharacteristics outlined on this page.
Our Commitment to haveYou
All impact on a world in need of redemption.
Flex Academystaff Coreand Values
contractors Academic Success - Engaged Lifelong Learners
Integrity - Authentic Christ Followers
Relationship - Intentional Supportive Community
Flexibility - Personalized Learning Choices
Conduct Expectations
At Flex Academy, our entire community – including staff, students, volunteers, and parents – is responsible for ensuring Flex Academy is a safe, supportive, and inclusive school.
Members of our staff and contractors who act in a manner that fallscontradicts withinthis ourcommitment coremay valuesbe subject to discipline as outlined in the Student Discipline policy.
Our Expectations of Students
We expect students to treat members of the Flex Community with respect and learner and teacher profiles looks like the following:
At Flex Academy, we commit to being respectful, loving, gentle, humble, kind, patient, hard-working and self-controlled as we engage with Christ-centred, flexible, innovative educational opportunities. We also commit to having fun with each other and building genuine relationships!
The following are examples of behaviours that are in syncalignment with our core values:
Demonstrating respect for ourselves, others,values andourtheschoolcharacteristics Working diligentlyHaving fun togetherApologizing and working toward change when there is a problemForgiving one anotherWorking together and owning our partoutlined in theworkLearnerweprofile.doIn Owningaddition,ourstudentsmistakesmust adhere to the policies andtakingguidelinesstepsprovided through SOPHIE and by teachers. Failure tocorrectdothemso Treatingmayallresultindividuals,inregardlessdisciplinary action based on the severity and frequency ofrace,theability,behavioursexualasorientation,outlinedself-expression,inorthereligiousbeliefsStudent Discipline policy.Our Expectations of Parents
We expect parents to treat members of the Flex Community with
kindness, inclusion,respect andrespect.Treating school property and the property of others with a reasonable standard of careExpressing ourselves with socially acceptable language and gesturesExhibiting behaviour that is free of all forms of intimidation, harassment, racism, exclusion, and discriminationDressinginaccordance with the school's dress code standardsInforming a school official of any unsafe situationMake every effort to attend scheduled classes and arrive on timeRespecting the rights of others to learn in an environment free of unnecessary distractionsAssisting in making the school a safe, caring, and orderly placeModelling respectful and responsible behaviour, not only at school, but within the community and whenever acting as a school ambassador or representative
Problematic Behaviour
Some behaviours demonstrate a lack of willingness or ability to sync-upalignment with our core values. Flex has a zero-tolerance policy with regard to abusive behaviour towards members of the Community and community profiles.
The following kinds of behaviours result in consequential responses from Flex Academy inreserves the formright ofto parentalwithdraw involvement, restorative meetings, academic probation, or loss of privileges.
Distracting othersstudents fromfocusing on classroom instruction or prescribed tasks (including distracting others during Flex blocks or Flex days when on campus)Creating unsafe situations for school membersImproper use of Flex spaces (the Village or Mez) - includeshabituallynot signing in or out or a chronic lack of communication withthe school ifnotastayingparent is found to be treating members of thefullCommunitydaywithon a Flex day.Swearing at a Flex Academy community memberHabitual absenteeismHabitually poor work habitsdisrespect orlackcounter to our core values.Our Expectations of
schoolworkHabitual unkindness toward others (excluding, gossiping, using unkind words)
Flex Academy teachersexpect and administrationpromote takeopen, anhonest educational,communication skills-based, supportive and partnering approach to help students reach toward their full potential. Consequences become more serious if it becomes apparentso that aall studentmembers or family is unwilling to work with Teachers, Staff or Administration.
Serious or Dangerous Behaviours
Some behaviours demand serious responses fromof the Flex AcademyCommunity Administrativefeel team,safe regardlessand valued at Flex events.
All members of the circumstancesCommunity surroundingare asked to share with an Flex teacher or staff member about any behaviour that does not align with the behaviour.expectation laid out in this code of conduct.
Whether online or in-person, students are expected to wear modest clothing and refrain from public displays of affection that are unsuitable for a group learning environment.
InThe allpossession cases,or ause restorative approach to discipline is preferred whenever possible.
Serious responses include removal from class, suspension, restorative justice, and in some cases, expulsion from Flex Academy.
Behaviours that will bring about a serious response from Administration include, but are not limited to:
Retaliatory behaviour toward othersPossessingof any form ofaweaponwhileisonprohibitedschoolatpropertyany PossessingFlex event.Technology
Due to their potentially disruptive nature, personal media devices, such as phones or
usingtablets,intoxicants,areillegal,not to be used during flex events unless approved by the event supervisors for the purpose of the activity orrestrictedothersubstances.approvedSeereasons (e.g., medical).Our Process to Resolve Incidents
Where violations of the
FlexcodeAcademyofSubstanceconductAbuseoccur,Policyflexforleadershipmorewillonworkthis.through WillfullytheandStudentcontinuallyDisciplineinterferingpolicy with those involved in the incident with therightsgoal ofothersrestoringtorelationshipslearnand Actskeeping the safety and security ofbullying,allviolence, targeted exclusion, harassment, or intimidationThreatening others – in person or online/digitallyPossession or use of weaponsTheft or damage to property
Family Responsibility
It is the responsibilitymembers of the entireCommunity Flex Academy community to ensure our school is a safe, caring, inclusive and orderly school. For families, it is ofat the utmost importance that teachers and staff and Flex Administration are treated with dignity and respect. We expect our Staff to do the same toward both students and families.forefront.
There is no room for bullying and harassment within the Flex Academy community.
Any parent or guardian who berates, swears at, yells at, intimidates, threatens, bullies or harasses a Flex Academy staff member will be at risk for withdrawal of their student(s) from the school.
A parent or guardian who disrespectfully treats a staff member may also be prevented from entering the school premises until reconciliation takes place between the parent and staff member.
Teacher and Staff Responsibility
Flex Academy Teachers and Staff are committed to exemplifying the Flex Academy Teacher and Staff profiles.
A Flex Academy Teacher isa RESOURCEFUL and INNOVATIVE educatorgrowing in WISDOM,embracing FLEXIBILITYand continually REFLECTING on their practice,
a PROFESSIONALwho demonstrates TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY,values COLLABORATION and healthy COMMUNICATION,while partnering with the families and learners they SERVE.
A Flex Academy staff member isa RESOURCEFUL and INNOVATIVE professionalgrowing in WISDOM,embracing FLEXIBILITYand continually REFLECTING on their practice,
a PROFESSIONALwho demonstrates TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY, values COLLABORATION and HEALTHY COMMUNICATION,while partnering with the teachers, students, families, and colleagues they SERVE.