What can I spend my funding on?
Resources and Programs provided by HCOS (Internal)
- HCOS Learning Camps
- HCOS Community Connections
- HCOS Learning Group Co-ops
- HCOS Computer/iPad lease
- HCOS Online Courses
- HCOS Travel & Outreach Programs
Resources and Programs by 3rd Party providers (External to HCOS)
Classes, activities & lessons that are not part of HCOS
- Lesson provider must Criminal Record Check on file prior to the first lesson
Consumable curriculum
- Activity books, workbooks, flash cards, etc...
- Educational subscriptions
- Items with pieces, such as games, flashcards, kits, Lego, blocks, etc...
- Kits
- Curriculum bundles (sets that have both consumable and non-consumable items)
- PDF's & digital items
- Educational Memberships, such as Science World, Aquarium, Art Museums, etc...
- Recreational memberships, such as passes to a recreational center
- Art Supplies
- Printer ink and printer paper
- Textbooks
- DVDs
- Physical books and novels (no activities or stickers)
Curriculum on Loan Agreement: Agreement between HCOS and parent/guardian - Signed by all parents/guardians during enrollment
Parents agree that all curriculum purchased and paid for by HCOS is on loan and the property of HCOS for three years, along with the following conditions:
- pay the school the cost minus depreciation thereby making this agreement void OR
- Return the curriculum (minus consumable items) immediately to the school
- If the family ceases to be enrolled at HCOS any time during the school year, the curriculum budget allotted to student(s) will be prorated based on the number of months the student has been enrolled
At the end of three years the curriculum can be purchased from HCOS for flat$10 feedollars per family (payable via family funds only), or returned to the school (not including items listed as consumable)