Purchase Order Numbers or PO#s
Once youra child is enrolled at HCOS, they will be giveissued a PO # once all of the required documents been received by the office.
The office requires:
- Copy of the child’s birth certificate.
- Proof of Residency document.
- Signed Curriculum agreement
- There may be additional documents required for specific students (ie. out-of-province, or SE students)
The Purchase Order number is what is used to order curriculum:
- This account is restricted to a maximum of $600 for any third-party lessons, or for consumable resources.
- HCOS makes an additional $400 available to pay for HCOS courses, curriculum, etc.
- Funds may be used for school-based programs such Virtual Worlds, Learning Camps, Community Connections and Co-ops.
- Deductions are charged against curriculum accounts for each online course.
Students enrolling after September receive $500 for curriculum.
Students enrolling after the second enrolment deadline receive $250 for curriculum.
Students enrolling after the third enrolment deadline receive $500 for curriculum.
The PO# can be used, in consultation with the support teacher, to buy curriculum at a wide selection of vendors listed on the HCOS website. HCOS Vendors
Teacher’s Role in the PO# process:
- A parent can never be reimbursed for any curriculum purchases, this includes: school supplies, computers, lessons, trips etc.