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Grade Nine Curriculum Picks

These Grade Nine Picks can be purchased from Anchor Academic (using your PO#), or from one of our comprehensive vendors listed on this page. Some options may also be available to borrow from the Learning Commons Search Portal , or purchase from our Used Bookstore, and/or via the Sora/OverDrive virtual eBook library.

Vendor websites are pick-and-choose and some optional or alternate suggestions may be listed, so select your items with care.

Overview Of Grade 9 Curriculum Picks

Here is an overview of the curriculum picks that we suggest for Grade 9. Please note that some subjects provide more than one option. For more information about the curriculum, please refer to the information under Detailed Information for Grade 9 Curriculum Picks.

English Language Arts

  • WritingOption StrandsA Advanced(integrated 1literature byfocus Masterwith Bookscomposition): Lightning Literature Gr 9 Student Workbook, Student Guide and Teacher's Guide with novels (Uncle Tom's Cabin, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Call of the Wild, and The Red Badge of Courage).


  • Option B: Essentials in Writing 9
  • Thewith novels studies (as follows or alternates): Red Badge of Courage bywith StephenProgeny CranePress (orStudy alternate)Guide, Call of the Wild with Progeny Press Study GuideGuide, Treasure Island with Progeny Press or Total Language Plus Study Guide, Scarlet Pimpernel with Progeny Press or Total Language Plus Study Guide; and/or alternate novel and novel study or stories as per interest/goals of the student.


  • TheyOption CalledC Me(lighter Numberoption): OneWriting Strands by BevMaster SellarsBooks
      Advanced 1 (or level as per placement test results); Red Badge of Courage, Call of the Wild, Treasure Island, Scarlet Pimpernel; and/or novel and novel study or stories as per interest/goals of the student.


    • Dynamic Classroom BC Grade 9
    • Theory and Problems for Mathematics 9 - Third Edition by Crescent Beach Publishing 
    • Singapore Dimensions Math 8A and 8B Textbooks and Teaching Notes and Solutions


    • BC Science Connections 9 Textbook and Workbook (Nelson)

    Social Studies

    • Nelson Socials 9 OR
    • World Empires, World Missions, World Wars Essentials Pack by Diana Waring

    Bible/Christian Studies

    • Quest: Gospel of John Explorer’s Bible Study (Explorer's Bible Study)

    Optional Resources

    (not detailed below)


    • What Color Is Your Parachute? for Teens, Third Edition by Carol Christen (Career Education)
    • Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracting World by David Allen (Career Education)
    • Invest in your Financial Future by Diane Dakers (Mathematics/Career Education)
    • Choices for a Winning Lifestyle by Susan Boe (ACSI) - Student Textbook and Workbook (Heath Education; can also be used for Grade 10)
    • Canada Map Book 6 by George Quinn, Apple Press (Social Studies; says Gr. 6-8 on the cover, but is still suitable )
    • Righting Canada's Wrongs - any of the 6 books in the series by Lorimer Publications (Social Studies)
    • Heritage Collection: The Immigrant Experience by Rose Fine-Myer (Social Studies)

      Detailed Information for Grade 9 Curriculum Picks 

      English Language Arts

      Select one of the following writing programs (A or B), in addition to two novel studies listed below these options.

      Option A: WritingLightning StrandsLiterature AdvancedAmerican 1Lit: Mid-Late 19th Century Student Guide and Teacher's Guide with readers

      Type of Resource: Home educationEducation workbookCurriculum

      Description: WritingLessons Strandscover Advancedtheme, 1humor, willdescription, helppoint yourof juniorview, high/highfigurative schoollanguage, studentregister, practiceand sound in poetry. The Student’s Guide includes information about the authors, comprehension questions, writing reports,exercises, shortdiscussion stories, essays,questions and otherproject formssuggestions, ofreading writinglists appropriate to the period or subject, semester and learnfull-year about literary devices, including imagery, symbolism,schedules, and rhetoricala language.bibliography. developedThe answers to givecomprehension studentsquestions advanced skills, such as recognizing and using persuasive language, writing reports, and developing character in creative pieces. Students will learn the process of giving others their thoughts in written form through three areas: creative, research and reports, and explanatory. Every exercise will guide themare in the developmentTeacher’s Guide. Book-length works are sold separately and in a pack with the guides.
      Novels: Uncle Tom's Cabin, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Red Badge of Courage, and The Call of the communicationWild
      Teacher’s skillsGuide: they need. A suggested schedule is provided, as well as worksheets that are three-hole punched and perforated, andincludes the additionanswers of a reading and literature component helps students look more deeply intoto the Biblecomprehension andquestions. otherIt books they select.

      Note from Curriculum Consultant: This resource refers to a different book/novel assigned by the teacher/parent each week over 18 lessons andalso provides a pageteaching withschedule, sixteaching stepsand forgrading discussionaids, regarding this book in each lesson. This may beand a bit much for many students, so this page could be skipped when desired, and the novel study suggested below can be completed as an alternative to this page manycopy of the weeks.writing exercises and discussion questions for the teacher’s convenience.


      Placement TestsReview

      Samples: ReviewTeacher' Guide, Student's Guide

      Table of Contents and PDF Sample Pages

      Scope and Sequence

      Option B: Option B: Essentials in Writing 9 Studentwith Bookstories andand/or Videonovel Componentstudies (Chooseas Stream Onlinefollows or DVD)alternates)

      Type of Resource: Homes education curriculum

      Description: EIW Level 9 provides students with the writing skills needed for high school and university writing, the SAT, college application, and beyond. This curriculum contains step-by-step guidance throughout the program and is relatively self-contained between the workbook and online (or DVD) video lessons.

      Placement Test (Level Wizard)


      Other Optional or Supplementary Resources:

      Sample Video Lesson

      Table of Contents and PDF Sample

      Free Trial

      Option C: Writing Strands by Master Books Advanced 1 (or level as per placement test results); novel and novel study or stories as per interest/goals of the student.

      Note from Curriculum Consultant: This resource alternates weekly between writing assignments and reading assignments. The teacher/parent is asked to assign a different book for every other week's reading lesson. ADD: Writing Strands Overview Video Teaching Companion


      Note from Curriculum Consultant: Alternate novels can be chosen. The ones below are cross-curricular historical fiction selections set in the time period/areaperiod ofstudied studyin for GradeGr 9 Socialsocial Studies.studies Some(1750 students- may1919). wishAlternate tooptions completecan 3be found at Progeny Press, Total Language Plus, or moreClassroom novels.Complete Press.

      Novel #1: The Red Badge of Courage withby ProgenyStephen Press Study GuideCrane

      Type of Resource: Novelnovel andwith workbook


      study guide by Progeny PressDescription:
      About the novel:
      Stephen Crane’s classic novel looks at the trauma and horror of war through a young man’s eyes. Henry Fleming joins the Union army as a green recruit dreaming of glory and heroic acts onof bravery on the battlefield. He wants to earn his “badge of courage.” He imagines himself as "a blue determined figure standing before a crimson and steel assault, getting calmly killed on a high place before the eyes of all." Camp life, he soon discovers, is far less exciting than the army of his imagination. Henry must learn, through much mental and spiritual agony, to stand in the face of physical danger with no thought to his own heroics nor to the opinions of others. He learns to despise his earlier dreams of war and glory. Instead, he finds quiet manhood, non-assertive but of sturdy and strong blood. He has faced death and become a man.
       Author Biography: Learn about Stephen Crane. Vocabulary: Understand words used throughout the novel, utilizing a variety of activities to stimulate retention and growth.
      Literary Techniques: Words create setting, double meanings, parallels, synonyms, antonyms, foil, similes, characterization, in context, metaphors, self-justification, role models, natural law, Christ figure, coming-of-age. Moral Lessons and Character Values: The church and war, Jesus is our example, lessons from nature, small before God, coming-of-age, fear & cowardice, mortality, courage, maturity, anger, heroism, suffering and the refining it causes. Activities and Writing Assignments: Wordsearch, God looks at our inner character/not outer, Essays including a just war, Lincoln and the Civil War, nature as a counterpoint to humanity, coming-of-age, Civil War timeline, creative writing: letters from a soldier, biography of your choice of famous Civil War men and women, write a historical play/scene, field trip to a Civil War site, journalism interview of a war veteran. Suggestions for Further Reading: We include an in-depth reading list of more books by the same author(s) and other books that tie in with, or are similar to, The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane. Movie suggestions included.

      Sample pages




      Table of Contents and PDF Sample Pages

      Novel #2: TheyThe CalledCall Meof Numberthe OneWild by BevJack SellarsLondon

      Type of Resource: novel with optional Progeny Press Study Guide
      About the Novel:
      The dog Buck lives a privileged life in the family of a California judge. But when gold is discovered in the Yukon Valley and thousands of men rush north, Buck is stolen from his home and sent north to pull sleds for the Canadian mail service. Buck finds he must learn fast or die, and the new law of life is primitive—the law of club and fang. London reveals the lengths to which men will go to satisfy the gold lust, and he explores the animal instinct of kill or be killed as Buck rises to become leader of the pack. 
      Author Biography: Learn about Jack London. Before-You-Read Activities: History research, maps, timeline, biography, art, movies. Vocabulary: Understand words used throughout the novel, utilizing a variety of activities to stimulate retention and growth. Literary Techniques: In context, dictionary, anthropomorphism, personification, setting, hyperbole, repetition, dialect, irony, foil, paradox, allusion, simile, metaphor, legend, dichotomy, theme, dramatic structure. Moral Lessons and Character Values: Equal under God, do unto others, authority, determinism, moral relativism, pragmatism, success vs. doing right, pride, strong vs. weak, wise counsel, love our neighbor, conflict, mercy, power and wealth. Activities and Writing Assignments: Animals, morality, multiple essay ideas, absurdity used to justify, class discussions, animal euthanasia, leadership, trip/activity planning, haiku, dog training. Suggestions for Further Reading: We include an in-depth reading list of more books by the same author(s) and other books that tie in with, or are similar to, Call of the Wild by Jack London. Movie suggestions included.


      Sample Pages

      Novel #3: Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

      Type of Resource: Novelnovel


      Description:optional LikeProgeny thousandsPress ofStudy AboriginalGuide
      About childrenthe inNovel: Canada,Jim Hawkins is just a boy trying to do the best he can running an inn with his widowed mother when adventure and elsewheredanger literally walk through the door in the colonized world, Xatsu'll chief Bev Sellars spent partform of hera childhoodpirate! asHe is left with a studenttreasure map and the warning, "Beware the one-legged man!" Jim goes sailing in search of treasure with Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey, and Captain Smollett. Put under the tutelage of the ship's cook, Long John Silver, Jim learns much of the sea-faring life and gains a church-rungreat residentialfriend. school.But Thesewhere institutionstreasure endeavouredis concerned, honor and friendship can be held cheap. As they near the island, the ship's crew mutinies, and Jim has to "civilize"decide Nativewhere childrenhis throughloyalties Christianare teachings;and forcedwhat separationit frommeans family,to be honorable. Set sail aboard the Hispaniola with the fearless Jim and the formidable Long John Silver!
      Description: About the Author: Learn about Robert Louis Stevenson. Vocabulary: Understand words used throughout the novel, utilizing a variety of activities to stimulate retention and growth. Literary Techniques: Mood, foreshadow, dialect, synonym, pace, transition, stereotype, idiom, simile, descriptive language, andhubris, culture;point of view, dictionary, poetic justice, irony, ambiguity, parallelism, anthropomorphism, cliffhanger, characterization, dynamic vs. static, symbolism, main character, conflict, complication, theme, dramatic structure. Moral Lessons and strictCharacter discipline.Values: PerhapsCourage, thepeer mostpressure, symbolicallydiscretion, potentadvice, strategyfear, useddiscouragement, toGod alienateis residentialwith schoolus, childrendoing wasgood, addressingeternal themlife, bydeath, assignedmercy. numbersActivities only—notand Writing Assignments: Coins, ships, writing, pirates, maps, art, sea shanties, biographies, essays. Suggestions for Further Reading: We include a wonderful reading list of more books by the namessame author(s) and other books that tie in with, or are similar to, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.

      Sample Pages

      Novel #4: The Scarlet Pimpernel by with whichOptional theyStudy knewGuide by Progeny Press

      Type of Resource: novel with optional novel study
      About the novel:
      Funny, courageous, and understoodfilled themselves.


      Indownright thisdanger! frankThe Scarlet Pimpernel was the blueprint for what became known as the masked-avenger genre. This captivating story combines humor, bravery, and poignantan memoirabundance of herperilous yearssituations. atStep St. Joseph's Mission, Sellars breaks her silence aboutinto the residentialmidst school'sof lastingthe effectsFrench on her and her family—from substance abuse to suicide attempts—and eloquently articulates her own path to healing. Number One comes atRevolution, a time of recognition—byimmense governmentsfear and societythe ruthless persecution of the noble class. Amidst the chaos, a mysterious and elusive figure, often referred to as a phantom, emerges as the savior of doomed nobles, defying the executioner's grasp—the legendary Scarlet Pimpernel. Unyielding in his pursuit, French official Chauvelin will stop at large—nothing to unveil the true identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel. His relentless quest leads him to manipulate Marguerite Blakeney, the reluctant assistance of Sir Percy Blakeney's French wife. Sir Percy himself, England's wealthiest and most dandyish lord, becomes embroiled in a web of secrets and danger. In this world of deception, treachery, and mortal peril, nothing is as it appears. Brace yourself for an enthralling adventure that onlywill keep you on the edge of your seat. 
      Historical Background: Explore the backdrop of the French Revolution, a defining era in history. Author Biography: Discover the life of Baroness Orczy, the brilliant mind behind The Scarlet Pimpernel. Before-You-Read Activities: Engage in interactive exercises such as mapping, diving into the intriguing stories of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, and learning about the figure Robespierre. Vocabulary: Develop a deep understanding of the novel's vocabulary through knowinga variety of stimulating activities designed to enhance retention and encourage vocabulary growth. Literary Techniques: Delve into the truthrich abouttapestry theseof pastliterary injusticestechniques cansuch weas beginantonym, synonym, juxtaposition, stereotype, irony, paradox, foreshadowing, cliffhanger, in context, simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, moral dilemma, hyperbole, romanticism, allusion, anthropomorphism, protagonist, antagonist, false climax, foil, theme, willing suspension of disbelief, and contrivance. Moral Lessons and Character Values: Explore profound themes of conflict, accountability, marriage, wise counsel, virtue vs. self-righteous, misunderstandings, fate vs. free will, altruism, self-interest, egoism, leadership, freedom, bigotry, prejudice, stereotypes, the Good Samaritan, and the golden rule of treating others as you would like to redressbe them.treated. Activities and Writing Assignments: Engage in dynamic class discussions, create visually captivating bulletin boards, analyze and interpret meaningful quotations, select from a range of essay choices, bring the story to life through dramatic adaptations, and explore artistic expressions inspired by the novel. Suggestions for Further Reading: Expand your literary horizons with our carefully curated reading list, which includes more captivating works by Baroness Orczy and other books that complement or share similarities with The Scarlet Pimpernel. Additionally, discover recommended movies.




      Select one of the following math programs (A or B or C) below

      Option A: Dynamic Classroom BC Grade 9

      Type of Resource: Workbook

      Description: Aligned to BC's curriculum

      • Detailed explanations of every topic with step-by-step guided examples with solutions. 
      • A series of problems for the student to practice the concept they just learned. Questions start out easy and gradually increase in difficulty. Challenging questions are provided for those students that really want to push themselves.
      • Practice tests for each chapter/unit in the book. 
      • An answer key for all questions in the book. 
      • Students can get extra support through the website that provides additional worksheets and a limited selection of video lessons when you create an online account.
      • A complete set of video lessons (a paid service) where you can watch a math teacher while they explain a concept and then walk you through some examples. 


      Other Optional or Supplementary Resources

      Table of Contents and PDF Sample Pages

      Option B: Crescent Beach Publishing Theory and Problems for Mathematics 9 - Third Edition

      Description: Aligned to BC's curriculum

      • Written to be used as a primary teaching resource

      • Contains a comprehensive explanation of the subject for each section

      • Over 300 detailed example questions

      • Hundreds of practise problems with answers and step by step solutions where necessary

      • Space is given for each practice question to complete the problem, and keep the work organized all in one place 


      Table of Contents

      PDF Sample Pages

      Note: this resource may not be available from vendors other than Crescent Beach Publishing; see our Resource Vendor Directory for ordering details.

      Option C: Singapore Dimensions Math 8A and 8B (Optional) Textbooks and Teaching Notes/Solutions

      Type of Resource: Home education/classroom curriculum

      Description: The program emphasizes problem-solving and empowers students to think mathematically, both inside and outside the classroom. Pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, data analysis, probability, and some advanced math topics are included in this rigorous series. The series follows the principles outlined in the Singapore mathematics framework, including the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) Approach, bar modelling, and more. In the Dimensions Math program, concepts are introduced and explained in a new format with vibrant imagery, all with the progression and scope that has defined Singapore math.


      • Textbooks build on prior knowledge and develop familiar concepts in an accessible way.
      • Workbooks offer independent practice while maintaining the careful progression of exercise variation.
      • Teaching Notes and Solutions provide teaching suggestions and important information for educators to help students achieve math mastery.
      • Workbook Solutions contain fully worked solutions for problems in workbooks.

      Components Samples

      Note from Curriculum Consultant: This US-based resource is rather rigorous and is advanced for BC standards. Books 6 - 8A align reasonably well (although not entirely) with BC's curriculum for grades 7 - 9. If students are just beginning to use this series in grade 9, it is recommended that they begin with level 7B (sample pages here), and students who have been using the series for a year are two could be starting 7B or be partway through 7B at the beginning of grade 9. There are sufficient exercises in the textbook for many students, and so the workbook may not be necessary (and may even be frustrating) for students who learn quickly. For students who require repetition and extra practice, the workbook (and workbook solutions) are recommended. Even though this resource does not completely align with BC's curriculum, it was chosen for its proven approach which has been a favourite with home educators for years.



      Scope and Sequence



      Students who used Exploring Creation with General Science and Exploring Creation with Physical Science in grades 7 and 8 may have already addressed some grade 9 standards. See this spreadsheet for correlations.

      BC Science Connections 9 Textbook and Workbook

      Type of Resource: Secular classroom Student Edition textbook and workbook

      Description: The BC Science Connections program is 100% Curriculum aligned and supported inquiry-based learning. It leverages students' natural sense of curiosity and wonder so they learn by actively engaging in activities while having access to clear, concise, and highly visual curriculum-specific content to support knowing, doing and understanding.

      Key Features:

      • Support for place-based learning and integrates First Peoples' ways of knowing.
      • Builds students confidence with solid science content that is easy to understand and provides the background necessary for personalized inquiry.
      • Engages students with relevant science content, dynamic visuals and intriguing labs.
      • Develops and supports scientific literacy, engages students with dynamic content, lab experiences and a rich array of resources to ensure students understand the big idea.


      Social Studies

      Option A: Nelson Socials 9 Student Resource and eBook

      Type of Resource: Student textbook and eBook

      Description: A comprehensive resource aligned to BC’s curriculum that helps students become active, engaged citizens with the ability to think and communicate critically, historically and geographically. Includes rich and engaging primary sources and inquiry-focused questions. The Student Resource includes a print textbook with built-in activity cards and lifetime access to an online student centre.


      Table of Contents and Sample pages

      Option B: World Empires, World Missions, World Wars Essentials Pack

      Bible/Christian Studies

      Explorer’s Bible Study: The Gospel of John

      Type of Resource: Workbook

      Description: John focuses on the spiritual significance of what Jesus did and said rather than just reporting the events of His life. He begins the gospel with a declaration of the deity of Jesus, His pre-existence, and His direct involvement in creation. As you study, you will discover that John has a very penetrating gaze into eternal truth and into the very heart and mind of God. But John gives us more than just information; he reveals an invitation – to an abundant life in Jesus, the True Vine. May this study help you find “life in His name” and bear much fruit from (and for) Him.


      Other Optional or Supplementary Resources:

      PDF Sample Lesson