Curriculum Picks
WhenHome you are new to home educating iteducation can be overwhelming when trying to try and figure out what curriculum to use. To help with this, wehere suggestare you:a few suggestions:
- Familiarize yourself with the resources available to you through our Learning Commons.
- Review our Curriculum Picks options by grade and subject to assist you in addressing the BC Ministry of Education learning standards. Remember, these options are pick-and-choose, you do not need to purchase the whole package.
Visit our HCOS Christian Studies Curriculum website. This is an internal resource purposefully created to equip families with curriculum intentionally designed to meet our students where they are at in their faith and equip them to grow as they actively learn about God.
- Select and purchase curriculum. Orders can be placed through the HCOS Purchasing Department via the Curriculum Order Form.
Please note that although these options are correlated to the content competencies, your support teacher may request additional evidence that the curricular competencies have also been met. This may require the use of digital technologies.
For further information about the resources contact:
Cynthia Duncalfe HCOS Curriculum Consultant
- Email:
- By appointment: