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Curriculum and Computer Deposit - PROPOSAL

Curriculum and Computer Deposit Proposal

This proposalprocess does not include grade 10 - 12 students or any resources purchased using IE funding

As a quick refresher, every year, HCOS hasfamilies must sign a curriculum loan agreement, because, by law, all curriculum paid for by the school is owned by the school. The current agreement results in families needing to either return any curriculum received ausing fairEncom bitfunds ofor purchase it from the school.

Over the years, we have received feedback from families on the curriculum and computer buyoutthis process. The central themes of concern have been:

  1. Not knowing how much it will cost when they leave or graduate from HCOS

  2. Not knowing what needsitems need to be returned 

  3. Not expecting to have to pay for the items or return items; feeling financially stressed by the unexpected bill or stressed at not knowing what items to return


How have been looking atdoes this processbenefit families?

In an effort to seeaddress howthese we could improve the experience for familiesconcerns, while fullyremaining adheringin tocompliance thewith Ministry of Education and Child Care’sCare guidelinesregulations, we are introducing a simplified process that will:

  1. Ensure families know the curriculum buyout amount if they leave HCOS.

  2. Eliminate the need for individual orders per student.

  3. Eliminate tracking consumable and mandatenon-consumable surroundingcurricula.

  4. responsibility
  5. to

    Eliminate havesigning amultiple processCurriculum inAgreements.

  6. for
  7. the

    Eliminate returntracking which curriculum was purchased with school or buyoutfamily offunds anyover purchasemultiple made using Ministry funding. The Ministry clearly states that ALL items purchased using funding belong to the school and MUST be returned or bought by the family.

    To that end, HCOS has chosen to close the current Curriculum and Computer Buyout process and move to a nominal curriculum and computer deposit.years. 

What does the new curriculum deposit process look like

  1. Each studentFamilies will besign requiredthe toCurriculum Agreement one time for all students.

  2. Families will pay a nominal curriculum deposit of $20 per K-9 student each year whenthrough theyEncom enrollafter orsigning re-enrollthe (Note:Curriculum ThisAgreement. The deposit cannot be paid using curriculum funds in Encom)Encom.

  3. Families can receive this deposit back by returning the curriculum purchased

  4. Ifrequest a family spends 100%refund of their funding on lessons and activities, they can request their deposit back as soon as funding is exhausted and their Additional Resource page in Encom clearly shows that no curriculum was purchased

How does this benefit families
  1. Families will always know and be able to plan how much the curriculum buyout will be. The $20 deposit will cover the buyout fee required by the Ministry of Education if they wish to keep the items

  2. Families will not receive a bill if they decide to leave HCOS. Instead, they will receive their deposit back if they return the items, or the deposit willby coversubmitting the buyoutform fee if they decide to keep the items

  3. Families will no longer be required to make separate orders for each student. As we will no longer be calculating buyouts when a student leaves, we will no longer need to keep track of curriculum purchases per student. 

  4. Families will no longer need to keep track over multiple years of which items were purchased using school funding and which were purchased using family fundsif:

  5. All purchasescurriculum willhas bebeen considered “Curriculum” or “Lessons and Activities”. Families will no longer need to keep track of “Consumable Curriculum” and “Non-Consumable Curriculum” when returning items (as they should be doing under the current buyout process). returned

  • All funding has been used on Lessons & Activities

  • The student is being withdrawn from HCOS, and all curriculum has been returned.

  • HCOS will cover all previous years' buyouts as we transition,transition withto the new system starting with the 2024/25 enrollments/ year.                                                                                                                                 

  • What does this new computer deposit process look like:

    1. Families will be required to pay the computera deposit before receiving the computercomputer,

      1. depending on the amountoverall willvalue remainof the computer at the buyout amount 
        1. $100 for items that exceed $1,000 in value at the pointtime of purchasepurchase.

          1. $50 for

            Devices items that do not exceedover $1000 inrequire valuea at$100 thedeposit.

          2. tof
          3. purchase

            Devices under $1000 require a $50 deposit.

      2. At the end of the lease, families can return the computer to receive their deposit back or keep the computer, and the deposit will cover the buyout fee required by the Ministry of Education and Child CareCare.

        1. If
        2. a

        Refund familyRequest leavesProcess


        Families to the lease being fulfilled, they will need to payout the remaining amount on their lease if they would like to keep the computer/iPad. However, if the wantseeking to return it,the theyitems willand receive theira depositrefund backcan oncecomplete itthe isCurriculum returned

      3. Deposit
    2. Refund