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BrainPOP (Gr. 3 - 8) offers digital educational content with over 800 topics available.

This Subscriptionsubscription is not available to EnrolledHCOS andRegistered Flex families.students.

BrainPOP (Gr. 3 - 6)

BrainPOP's cross-curricular topics include an animated movie—written with humour in an age-appropriate voice—plus a rich array of supporting features like concept mapping, learning games, playful assessments, and primary source activities. These help build higher-order thinking, cognitive and literacy skills while encouraging reflection and giving students multiple ways to convey comprehension and express themselves.  Following each movie clip, students can participate in quizzes, cartoons, and do-it-yourself experiments, and with the click of a button, send their quiz results to their support teacher.

BrainPOP Jr. (K - 3)

BrainPOP Jr. offers digital educational content with over 250 topics. It gently encourages young learners to ask questions and form their ideas. Each curricular topic includes an animated movie, learning games, concept mapping, and interactive features that help extend key concepts and meet the needs of students with different learning styles. Text is read aloud to facilitate comprehension.

BrainPOP topics include animated movies, concept mapping, learning games, playful assessments, and primary source activities. These engaging resources help build higher-order thinking, cognitive, and literacy skills while encouraging reflection and giving students multiple ways to share their learning. Following each movie clip, students can participate in quizzes, cartoons, and do-it-yourself experiments, and send their quiz results to their support teacher.

BrainPOP Science empowers students to do, discuss, and analyze scientific ideas through inquiry-based investigations, virtual science and engineering experiments, and claim-evidence-reasoning processes.

BrainPOP Français and BrainPOP Español (Gr. 4 - 8)

BrainPOP Español and BrainPOP Français are recommended for grades 4-8.  These are intended for students who speak these languages fluently or are looking to reinforce language skills. BearThese in mind theysites are not language-learningfor tools.French or Spanish language learners.


This Science (Gr. 6 - 8)

BrainPOP Sciencesubscription is only availablerecommended for studentsGrade through3-8 the Individual Teacher-led Student Account, not the Shared Account. Please find the BrainPOP Science information on the SOPHIE BrainPOP Science page. 


Logging In

There are two account options to signlog in withto BrainPOP. 

  • Shared Account – All Enrolled and FlexIndividual studentsStudent shareAccount.


    Shared account.Account

    All lessons

    There are accessible.three Progresssteps isto notlog saved.into the BrainPOP Scienceshared account.

    Step 1: Navigate to BrainPOP and Make-A-Movieclick arethe not“Log availableIn” throughbutton thisin account.the Findtop loginright informationcorner. 

    Step 2:  Enter the username and password for BrainPOP from the Subs/Passwords tab in the Search Portal.

  • Individual Student Account – Teachers set up accounts for the students. The student’s progress is saved. Make-A-Movie and BrainPOP Science are accessed here.

Shared Account Login

Video Tutorial: How to log in to the BrainPOP shared account

Log in to BrainPOP and use the “log in” button at the top right. This is a shared login site. Students’ work is not saved. BrainPOP Science and Make-A-Movie are not available in the Shared Account.

Username and Password are found on the Subscriptions page in the Search Portal. Enter them below.


ChooseStep the3: shared school account (Student work is not saved.) by selectingSelect “Keep using a shared account” at the bottom of the screen.

YouStudent arework in!is Enjoynot saved when using the shared account!account.

Individual Student Account Login with a Class Code

There are three steps to log into the BrainPOP individual student account.

Step 1: Contact your support teacher toand let him or her know you would like this account. Students will receiverequest a classBrainPOP codecode.


Step their2: teachers. They will log inNavigate to BrainPOP. Studentand workclick is"Enter savedCode" in this account. Access BrainPOP Science through this account.

 Students will choose the “enter code” button at the top right the first time they log in.corner.

TheStep students3: will enterEnter the code thatfrom theyour teachersupport has given them.teacher.

Step 4: Select “Create Account” to set the student up in the teacher’s class.Account."

TheStep student5: willComplete enterthe their name, create a username and password, andfields, then selectclick "Create Account” at the bottom of the page.account."

YourStep successful6: student will seeUse the page"Log below.

From then on, the student will log in using the “log in”in" button atfor theall topfuture right of the page.visits.


Navigation the& student will enter their username and password.

Success! Enjoy using your teacher-led individual BrainPOP account.

To join additional classes, the student just needs to enter the new class code at the top where it says ‘enter code’ and click submit. Then, they enter their username and password. That should be all it takes to join the new class and begin getting assignments from both teachers.

Using the SubscriptionUse

FamiliesStudents can chooseselect whata specific subject to work on when opening BrainPOP, or they can enjoy “Today’s Topic.” After choosing a subject, it is narrowed down by selecting topics. 

Once a topic is selected, useexplore the BrainPOP resources available to you.resources.

BrainPOP Español and  and BrainPOP Français are recommended for grades 4-8.   These are intended for students who speak these languages fluently or are looking to reinforce language skills. Bear in mind they are not language-learning tools.BrainPOP Science is only available for students through the Individual Teacher-led Student Account, not the Shared Account. Please find the BrainPOP Science information on the SOPHIE BrainPOP Science page.



You can contact Margaret Basaraba by email for help with any questions.