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Information on Cross-Enrollment Between Flex Academy and HCOS

TheThis Ministrypage ofprovides Educationinformation expectsfor thatHCOS whenfamilies interested in cross-enrolling with Flex Academy.  

HCOS Students Cross Enrolling in Flex Courses

HCOS Grade 10-12 students who wish to take a studentface-to-face isoffering enrolledat inFlex coursesmay indo moreso thanwith oneapproval school,from the schoolFlex thatAdmin. holdsFamilies thecan majorityexpress ofinterest coursesthrough isthe:

Flex asCross-Enrollment theRegistration schoolForm

HCOS recordstudents (SOR).should NOT complete a separate Flex Academy Encom application. 

Completing an expression of interest does not mean that students will automatically be accepted. While it is bothour heart to serve as many students as possible in the face to face environment, class composition and capacity will be considered before accepting students. 

HCOS students will be charged a divisiontuition for face-to-face courses at Flex. This tuition amount is discussed in the intake meeting, and will be charged if students are accepted. 

2025-2026 Preliminary Part-Time Tuition Info

Part-time/Cross-Enrolling students can take 3 or fewer courses with Flex Academy. Once students are taking four or more courses with Flex Academy, they are considered full-time Flex students and pay full tuition. You can view Flex tuition rates here. 

The "First Course" fee is higher than the fees for the second and third course. This extra charge subsidizes the students involvement in retreats, clubs, trips, grad, and other school events. 

Number of HCOS,CoursesAnnual Tuition Per Course
First Course$1,100
Two Courses$2,000
Three Courses$2,900


What to expect after submitting an Expression of Interest

Once the expression of interest form is completed, the family will be invited to join in a meet & greet and a separate school entity from HCOS. So, this presents a few quirks that needstour to learn more about Flex and allow the Flex admin to further understand the student and family’s goals and hopes related to attending Flex. From there, the Flex admin will review class composition, capacity, and determine if they are able to accept the student. Wherever possible, the Flex admin team will alert families prior to meet & greets if classes are full, etc.

If the student has been accepted, the HCOS student’s Grad Advisor will be navigated.


Familiesand ofwill add the Flex course offerings to the students cross-enrollingcourse wthlist in Encom. 

Computer Loans for Part-Time Students 

All students attending Flex Academy must have their own laptop to use at school. Flex Academy will needloan computers out to bestudents awaretaking ofthree aor fewmore aspectscourses ofwith cross-enrollment.Flex ThisAcademy. pageStudents givestaking helpfulone informationor ontwo thecourses subject.must purchase their own laptop. 

If you have further questions about cross-enrolling with Flex Academy, please contact your Grad Advisor or our office (