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Heritage Christian Online School designed SOPHIE to be a central resource that houses procedures and helpful information for staff members and families. SOPHIE is actually an acronym which stands for 

Standard Operating Procedures & Helpful Information Encyclopedia.  

SOPHIE works best if you view it like a library. There are Books available and within each of the books are chapters and pages. The chapters titles provide a general overview of what type of information will be found on the pages within.

For Example:

Please note that chapters are orange and individual pages are blue

However, the one down fall of this library analogy is that SOPHIE was not necessarily intended to be read like a book (from cover to cover and page to page). And that is where the word "Encyclopedia" is important. SOPHIE has a variety of information and so we encourage families to use SOPHIE like an Encyclopedia, to pop in and find the specific information they are looking for and to pop back out. To help locate a specific topic, use the search function located on the top right-hand side. Our hope is that SOPHIE can answer and provide some information to general questions that you may have. 

Tips and Tricks to Search in SOPHIE:

  • Use 1-2 key words 
  • Use "quotation marks" to narrow the search 
    • Example: "Course Preview"