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Special Education

Our Special Education division students who receive special funding as well as students who do not meet government requirements for extra funding but need to be on special programs.

Learning Services Program

Some students may have learning disabilities that the government does not recognize for special funding. These include challenges such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, speech problems and written output delays. If you suspect your child would benefit from some extra help and are seeking advice with regard to their learning, please contact your support teacher with your concerns. This support teacher will then contact our Learning Services (LS) department to discuss how best to offer support.

Individual Education Plan

An Individual, or Inclusive, Education Plan (IEP) can be adapted or modified. All qualifying Special Education students are on an IEP, which explains how the regular education program will be altered. Teachers work closely with the parent and other support team members to write the IEP.

The Student Learning Plan (SLP) should make a brief note of how the program will be altered and recommend seeing the IEP for further details. Adapted IEPs are more common. Students still achieve the learning requirements for their grade level but with targeted supports. Students on modified IEPs do not follow ministerial learning requirements and work on a personal learning plan instead.

Graduating with an IEP

A child with an adapted can still earn their Dogwood certificate and graduate. They will need to write provincial assessments in Grad (Grades 10 to 12), but may be allowed additional supports based on their IEP.