General CC/CC+ Information
Parent Handbook
You will receive a Parent Handbook from your CC coordinator at the beginning of the year. Please save this where you can refer to it regularly as it has a lot of important and useful information. Below is a sample handbook of what might be included.
Most CCs have a Parent Orientation Meeting before the first class where the coordinator will review the ethos and expectations for the classes, introduce the teachers and assistants, and field questions. We expect that at least one parent of each family attends. Please note the Scheduled Dates of Classes in your agenda/calendar and plan to attend as each class is about a week’s worth of learning in a campus school.
Instructors will be in touch with you about the following:
- What to bring with them to class (for the first day and any other time something special is needed)
- Homework or practice for the next class (to be sent within a day or two of the class and when applicable)
- How you can best contact them about missing a class, or any questions or concerns you may have
- End of term comments and summaries
Email is the primary method of communication with coordinatoryour Coordinator and instructors.the Instructors on-site. If your child mustis misssick, please keep them home. If your child has symptoms caused by allergies, they are welcome to attend. Please connect with the teacher or coordinator if allergy symptoms are significant.If your child misses a class, please let their instructor AND the coordinator know ASAP and then be in touch with the instructor about what they missed. It does matter to the instructor if there is a student missing, even in larger classes!
If your child has allergies, especially if the symptoms are those similar to Covid-19, please let the coordinator know. If symptoms present during class time, I will notify you to come and pick up your child. If your child does not have allergies, and has the symptoms noted, when tested negative for Covid-19 and symptoms haven’t worsened, they may attend class. If a classmate has symptoms similar to Covid-19, please realize that they may have allergies or have tested negative for Covid-19.
Cancellation of Classes
If there are extreme weather conditions or a closure is declared in the local School District, classes will be cancelled. I will notify you all by email with as much notice as possible. If classes are cancelled due to extreme weather there will be no make-up class!
CC Contact Information
There will be the names, grades/subjects and email for each teacher provided.
Maintaining Campus Health Safety
Our campus will be following protocols listed by the Ministry of Education. Additional precautionary measures may be implemented such as:
- daily cleaning of high-touch surfaces
- incorporating distancing measures appropriate to the class
- staggered arrival, drop off and lunch periods
- regular hand washing routines (using hand sanitizer when sinks are unavailable)
- asking students and all those on-site who are sick to stay home
- monitoring the health of those present
Please remind your children to practice the habits listed below under ‘Reducing the Risk’ and encourage them to keep their hands to themselves.
Reducing the Risk
- Wash one’s hands frequently for at least 20 seconds using soap and hot water (it is the single most effective way of reducing the spread of infection).
- Practice other good hygiene habits: do not touch one’s face/eyes/mouth with one’s hands and cover one’s mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing (ideally with a disposable tissue or the crease of the elbow).
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched workspace surfaces.
- Maintain good general health (eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, exercise in moderation).
- Stay home if sick.
If your child is exhibiting any level of sickness or symptoms (other than from allergies), please keep him/her at home. Recent COVID-19 measures have demonstrated the value of social responsibility in taking care of others’ health and your own.
Behaviour Expectations
While we don’t anticipate regular problems, it is good to be clear about expectations. These expectations are just a beginning. We want to be proactive in developing the kind of learning environment that grows relationships, encourages learning, and honours God. Please review this list with your children before the first class. The expectations are, naturally, quite obvious and straightforward, but still worth discussing.
Listening and Focusing:
- When a teacher or other student is talking, all others should be listening.
- When you want to say something, raise your hand.
- Do your best to refocus quickly. If you are chatting with a partner or group, if something is funny, if there is a larger discussion – enjoy and participate, but then refocus promptly.
- Enjoy your break time, but come back and refocus when called.
- Games or toys are reserved for break times and not during class.
- Please leave all electronics off during class (unless needed for your class).
- Save eating and drinking for snack and lunch time.
For students who ‘struggle’ to meet the expectations, this will be the standard course of action:
- For a once-off situation or infrequent situation, the teacher will talk to the student.
- For a common recurrence, the student will be sent out of the room to talk with me. If this happens, the teacher or I will inform you so we can chat about it.
- If the situation continues, then I will set a time when we will all sit down and discuss the issue in order to make a plan for the way forward. It may be that the parent is required to join their child in the class until the problem is changed or resolved.
- For a major occurrence, it will be as for #3.
I am sure that it will be a great year and that your children and their instructors will develop relationships of mutual respect.
Special Circumstances or Needs – Behavioural, Learning, Medical
On your registration you noted any health or learning needs that your child has. I will be emailing you appropriate forms to fill out in order to help us care for your child well. If there is anything else we should know about your child with regards to group learning and teaching situations, or if you learn of additional information during the school year, please email me so the instructors can be best prepared to help your child.
For IE students with EA support, if an EA is absent due to illness and a substitute is not available, please do not send the students for that day, without EA support.
Christian Worldview and Content
HCOS is a Christian DL school and therefore the majority of teachers and students involved in the Learning Groups will be Christians. There is still, however, diversity in faith and practice. Christian and Biblical content will be included in the lessons, when it is fitting and natural. In all of our teaching, learning, and communication our goal is to love and serve God and each other. In doing this, we will develop an atmosphere of respect and generosity. This will be the most important way that we incorporate our Christian faith into our classes.
Depending on your child’s age and the subject matter, most weeks the instructors will email some homework and practice options. These are aimed to reinforce what is being learned in class as well as to prepare your child for the next class or any upcoming assignments. Essentially, homework is encouraged as your child will gain so much more from their learning if it is completed.
If you have any concerns about your child’s learning and understanding in the class, please be in touch with the instructor quickly and regularly.
Fire, Earthquake and Lockdown Drills
We will have a fire drill a few times through the year, as well as earthquake drills and one lockdown drill. Some children may be averse to loud noises, so please prepare them for these drills.
What to Bring
We want every child to have a water bottle and lots of snacks as well as their lunch. They will be given regular opportunities for snack breaks. Please also bring a jacket for outdoor play. NOTE: Our classes are a nut-safe zone due to allergies.
Typical Supplies List for CC
Each week, all students should bring a labelled pencil case/box with the following labelled items:
- 3 sharpened pencils
- eraser(s)
- 12 pencil crayons
- at least 12 markers including black
- 30 cm ruler
- glue stick
- scissors
Additionally, students in grades 4 and up should also bring:
- 3 blue pens
- binder with 8 ½ x 11” lined paper and some blank paper & 4 dividers
If PE is offered: appropriate clothing and footwear (non-scuff shoes) for PE classes.
Grades 7 and up: Tablet or laptop if possible; required for older grades
Cell phones should be turned off during class time, or not sent at all.