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Substance Use Policy

Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) endeavors to see one’sall physical,members psychological,of andits spiritual well-being becommunity as healthy as possible.possible, Therefore,physically, students, staff (both paidpsychologically and volunteer)spiritually. are not permitted the use of any form of tobacco and tobacco-like products (e-cigs, vapes, etc.), including cannabis products, at any HCOS-sponsored event.

HCOS recognizes that the use of tobacco,certain vapoursubstances and cannabis products areis a detrimental lifestyle choice for students, employees, and visitors. Therefore, students and staff are not permitted to possess or consume any prohibited substances while attending HCOS events. This includes but is not limited to substances such as energy drinks, alcohol,  tobacco, vaporizing products, cannabis, and drugs.


  • “Staff” refers to employees and contractors of the school or authorized volunteers

  • “HCOS events” include any function, assembly, meeting or gathering of HCOS students for school purposes.

  • “energy drinks”  is any beverage that provides an additional energy source containing a high percentage of sugar, caffeine or other stimulants (eg. Red Bull, Rock Star, Monster, etc.)

  • “alcohol” is any beverage containing alcohol, including beer, wine, cider and spirits

  • “drugs” as defined in the Controlled Drugs & Substances Act are “substances, the possession of which is prohibited under the Controlled Drugs & Substances Act, or anything which contains such a drug or substance or any drug or substance designated a restricted drug under the Food and Drug Act unless the person possessing or consuming the restricted drug was authorized under that Act to possess the drug.”

Tobacco & Cannabis Use Prohibition

The school acknowledges its legal obligations to act in accordance with Section 2.2 of the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act, as well as regulations forbidding the use of cannabis on school property in British Columbia. Lastly, HCOS will acceptaccepts the responsibility inherent in education of providing positive role models and demonstrating best practices and will promote a healthy learning and working environment.

Tobacco & Cannabis Use Prohibition
  1. No person is permitted to smoke, use, or hold any tobaccotobacco, cannabis-related or vapour product, including cannabis related products, at any schoolHCOS related function,events, in or on any building or land,land owned, leased or rented by the school.

  2. No school student is permitted to smoke, use, or hold any tobaccotobacco, cannabis or vapour product, including cannabis related products,products at any school sponsored or school relatedHCOS events.

  3. All persons who are not school students will be requestedasked not to smoke,smoke or use any tobaccotobacco, cannabis-related or vapour products, including cannabis related products, in the presence of school students at school sponsored or school relatedHCOS events.


  1. Students engaging in the prohibited behaviorbehaviour will be subject to the stipulations of the student discipline policy.

  2. School employees engaging in the prohibited behaviorbehaviour will be subject to the stipulations of the employment agreement regarding employee code of conduct violations.

  3. All other persons will be asked to cease their use of athe tobaccosubstance or cannabis product or toand leave the school event.


  1. HCOS will include education about the harmful effects of tobacco, vapour and cannabissubstance use at appropriate grade levels in its educational program.

  2. Provide information regarding substance abuse and additional resources for prevention and intervention measures upon request.

  3. HCOS will communicate that it is a tobacco, vapour and cannabis substance-free institution through its usual communication modes to students, parents, employees, and visitors.