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Substance Abuse Policy


At Flex Academy, we tryencourage our beststudents to make the healthiest choices possible.

Energy Drinks

Due to the health risks involved, energy drinks (e.g., Red Bull, Rock Star, Monster, etc.) are not allowed at any time.

Tobacco and Cannabis

No person is permitted to smoke, use, or hold any tobacco or cannabis product at any time, including when participating in or attending school-sponsored events and field trips whether on or off the school campus or while in or on any building or land that is owned, leased or rented by the school. Flex Academy acknowledges its legal obligations to act in accordance with Section 2.2 of the Tobacco & Vapour Controls Act. This prohibition also applies to any vehicles on school property.

No student is permitted to smoke, vape, or otherwise use or hold any tobacco or cannabis product at any school-sponsored or school-related events, even if the events are held off school property.

All persons who are not school students will be requested not to smoke, vape, use, or hold any tobacco or cannabis products in the presence of school students at school-sponsored or school-related events held on or off school property.

Students engaging in prohibited behaviour will be subject to the stipulations of the student discipline policy.

School employees engaging in prohibited behaviour will be subject to the stipulations of the employment agreement regarding employee code of conduct violations and the HCOS Workplace Impairment Policy.

Mitigating Risks

Flex Academy will:

  • Include education about the harmful effects of tobacco and cannabis use at appropriate grade levels in its educational programs.
  • Communicate that it is a tobacco-free and cannabis-free organization through its usual communication modes to students, parents, employees, and visitors.
  • Post signs at appropriate places in its facilities and on its grounds providing notification that the school is a tobacco and cannabis-free organization.