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Grade Promotion and Benchmarks Policy

This ispolicy aguides statement of best practices employed byhow Flex Academy (FA) regarding grade promotion in relation to checkpoints and benchmarks in grades three, six and nine. This policy is to provide guidance as to how FA can effectively addressaddresses the requirements for addressing Ministry of Education prescribed& Child Care curricular competenciescompetency benchmarks for grades kindergartenK-9 throughwith nine.regard to grade promotion and retention.

Grade Promotion/Retention

Promotion through the grades is determined through teacher summative and formative assessment together with the consultation of parents or guardians regarding the child’s readiness. If retention is being considered, school leadership is included in the process. For more details, please view the Acceleration and Retention Policy.

Addressing Ministry

Curricular Competencies -Competency Benchmarks

The Ministry of Education has established grades three, six and nine benchmark years to help students stay on track. Kindergarten through grade three competencies should be completed by the end of grade three. Grades four through six competencies should be completed by the end of grade six. Grades seven through nine competencies should be completed by the end of grade nine.

Our Process

Teachers are responsible for tracking the curricular competencies that are covered by each student covers over the course of each school year.

Particular attention is paid to students entering grades three, six, and nine. During the first and second reporting periods, the teacher is responsible for monitoringmonitors the progress intoward moving towards completion ofcompleting the curricular competencies.competencies Teachersand will make adjustments toadjust the student’s studies as needed to target completion of the competencies by year-end.