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World Book


World Book (K - 12) is the leading online encyclopedia.

This Subscription is available to Enrolled, Flex, and Registered students.

Early Learning (K - 3)

Early Learning supports early elementary students with “Trek’s Travels,” “Welcome to Reading” and “Know It”. These sites include narrative stories, interactive games, and a visual interactive encyclopedia to support early reading, numeracy, and knowledge.  Pre-readers will enjoy listening to stories.  Readers can control the pace of the story, as word-by-word highlighting guides them along the way.  They can also play games and enjoy sorting, painting, and matching puzzles.  Print-and-go activities will also interest your primary-aged students.

World Book Kids (K - 5)

World Book Kids is an online encyclopedia designed for a younger primary elementary audience with easy-to-read articles, thousands of illustrations, and engaging activities.  Science projects, experiments, biographical searches, animal comparisons, and mapping searches including World Book Maps with printable PDF maps. (comparison maps of provinces and places, etc).  Games and activities.

World Book Student (Gr. 5 - 8)

World Book Student gives elementary and middle school students access to 40,000 encyclopedia and reference articles; 10,000 biographies; plus audio, videos, animations, historical features, educational tools, and activities.  Students will learn about research skills to complete the research project, planning and creating citations.  Steps are foundational and include the evaluation of sources like wikis, podcasts, etc.  Students will also learn how to use MyResearch, where students can save all their research processes.  Students can also create timelines to make their social study projects sparkle with 21 st century options.  The biography centre will help students research famous Canadians and inspiring people.  Surf the Ages website is for ancient civilizations research.  Quizzes and activities are made for teachers’ and students’ easy access.  In the Headlines provides a history feed from news of the day, with updates every 15 minutes.

World Book Discover (Gr. 3 - 9)

World Book also includes “World Book Discover,” (introduction video) a collection of resources for differentiated learning including read-aloud, text translation, video, and clear, easy-to-read information. This engaging resource is designed to support students working below grade level with research articles, research tools, and multimedia and interactive videos designed to support grade-level content. Reluctant readers and students with mild learning disabilities will appreciate this support.  Students can listen to content in many languages.  Students are able to create individual accounts to save their research, and easily access the citations. There is even a life skills component to help students negotiate financial and health issues (social skills) including worksheets.

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