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Mystery Science


Mystery Science (K -K-Grade 5) contains ishands-on, alow-prep, siteeasy-to-use with “open-and-go lessons that inspire kidsactivities to love science.” 

This Subscription is available to Enrolled and Flex families.

  • Hands-on — leadengage students in learning the doing"doing" of science and engineering.

  • Less prep, more learning — prep in minutes, not hours. Captivate students with short videos and discussion questions.

  • Easy to use – made for teachers by teachers.  Homeschooling parents can use this site easily, as well.

There are three levels for families to Mysterychoose Science:from:

  • Mini-lessonsLessons are for families on the go looking for quick lessons. (5-15 minutes per week)
  • Core Lessons are for families who have very little time or struggle to fit Science in at all. 5-15 min./week
  • Core lessons are for families who have more time forenjoy hands-on learning. (40-60 min./weekminutes per week)
  • Anchor Layer is for families who want to takedive theirdeep Scienceand lessonsthoroughly toexplore thescience nexttopics level.(60-120 2minutes hrs./weekper week).

EveryThis lesson begins with a Mystery that hooks your students. Then, theresubscription is anot narration of an unforgettable story with stunning images and videos punctuated with opportunities for discussion. Every lesson concludes with simple hands-on activities designedavailable to useHCOS suppliesRegistered you already have (or are easy to get).

Here is how Mystery Science explains its mission.students.

Logging In

GoFirst, select which mysteries you want to the list of mysteries to find a mystery that you would like to use. Alternatively, go to Mystery Science Year Plan to choose a mystery. Then contact your HCOS support teacher to tell them the names of the mysteries so they can send you the student links. Links no longer expire. Once you receive the link from your support teacher, you can start using Mystery Science.

Using the Subscription

To find all Mystery Science lessonsuse by gradevisiting level, go tothe Mystery Science Lessons Byby Grade Level.   Choose the grade tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

ToYou may also find ait yearuseful planto forselect usingyour Mysterymysteries Science, followingfrom the BC Ministry guidelines, go to Mystery Science Year Plan. Once Chooseyou have selected your lessons, email your support teacher with the gradelesson tabnames atto thereceive bottoma ofstudent thelink.


Navigation & Use

For information about startinggetting upstarted, invisit the site go to Mystery Science – Getting Started. hub.

NOTE:  If parents want to be able to assign mysteries and have the entire site available to them, the only way to do this is for them to purchase their access to the site.  The cost is $89.00 US for one year.  Mystery Science Pricing

Mystery Doug

Mystery Doug is a weekly video series from the creators of Mystery Science that inspires students to ask questions! It’s the perfect five-minute break for morning meetings, snack time, or any transitions in your day. Mystery Doug can also be found on YouTube.


Purchasing Access to Mystery Science as a Family?

OurFamilies HCOScan Schoolsign Membershipup only allows access to teachers - not the parents. Teachers send links to the family to use. The links allow families full access to Mystery Science.

If the parents would likefor a paid account, they need to sign up and purchase a subscription to the siteaccount through the HCOS purchasing department.department Thisat willa cost of $99.00 USD for a year.  (2024-25 pricing)USD. Note:  Mystery Science does offeroffers discounts on Homeschool Memberships during their early April and August sales,sales down toat about $69.00 USD. 

They add:  “Homeschoolers: If you have never signed up for Mystery Science, you are eligible for a free trial membership.” Families just need to realize the trial does not give them access to the whole site. To unlock additional mysteries, you'll need to purchase a full Homeschool Membership.  After your free trial expires, you will only have access to the first Mystery in every unit. To unlock additional Mysteries, you'll need to purchase a Homeschool Membership.”

Why can't we open the link?

If parents purchase an account in Mystery Science and their teacher sends them a link, it will not open if the parent is signed in to their purchased account. Parents will need to sign out and clear their browser cache before clicking the link sent by the teacher. Parents do not need to log in to be able to open the link.


You can contact Margaret Basaraba by email for help with any questions.