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Flipster Magazines



AnMagazines (K-Grade 12) is an innovative digital magazine platform (K - 12) that allows easy browsing on various topics.

Logging In

Navigate to Flipster. Enter the username and password for easyFlipster browsing.Magazines from the Subs/Passwords tab in the Search Portal.

Navigation & Use

ThisClick Subscriptionbelow isto learn more about specific magazines available tothrough Enrolled,this Flex, and Registered families.subscription.

KayakRanger MagazineRick Jr. (Gr.K-Grade 2 - 7)2)

KayakRanger magazineRick Jr. is designedfilled with fun, age-appropriate animal facts, stories, photos, exciting outdoor activities, and lots of games, crafts, and recipes. Great for beginning readers! Monthly Parent Reading Guides help enhance the Ranger Rick Jr. subscription by recommending ways to catchuse the imagination of 7 to 12-year-olds. Every issue introduces children to Canada's fascinating stories and shows them our history in context with today's world! Educational and entertaining, Kayak imparts knowledge of Canada's fascinating history.

British Columbia History Magazine (Gr. 8 - 12)

Discover British Columbia’s Past!

British Columbia History is the British Columbia Historical Federation’s flagship publication, a quarterly magazine chronicling British Columbia’s unique story through the words and images of community writers, archivists, museum professionals, academic historians, and more.

Fresh, engaging, personal, and relevant, every issue is packed with articles, photographs, maps, illustrations, book reviews, and insights into local archives. Four issues per year.

Study Guide — Balancing History: Warp Weft Weave: Joining Generations

The focus of the study is to encourage students to dig deeper into history to find a quietstrong orfoundation unheardfor voice.early Theliteracy guidedevelopment. willThere deepenare understanding10 andissues knowledgepublished ofper colonial histories and the current realities of Indigenous People, as well as an understanding of social injustices and discriminatory policies in Canada (including Residential Schools, the head tax, the legal system, disenfranchisement, and internment).year.

Chickadee (Gr.Grades 1 - 1-4)

The Full-of-Fun, Hands-On Magazine for Children 

Created in 1979, Chickadee satisfies the 6- to 9-year-old’s insatiable thirst for knowledge and appetite for humour. Chickadee acknowledges the growing independence of primary-aged children and fosters their curiosity about and connection to the world around them.

Every month, the Chickadee team creates interactive stories, puzzles, animal features, and science experiments to educate and entertain readers.

Kayak Magazine (Grades 2-7)

Kayak Magazine is designed to catch the imagination of 7 to 12-year-olds. Every issue introduces children to Canada's fascinating stories and shows them our history in context with today's world! Educational and entertaining, Kayak imparts knowledge of Canada's fascinating history.

Les Débrouillards (Gr.Grades 4 - 4-9)

A French Magazine for Kids

Les Débrouillards,brouillards ouris a French language magazine,magazine is interested in everything:about nature, the environment, technology, space, the human body, communications, history, and the future,future. etc.There Reports,are files,11 variousissues chronicles,published comicsper andyear a(September tastyto combinationJuly). ofEach science,issue games,includes andthe humour.following features:

  • Illustrated reports on animals, nature, the environment, technology, etc.

  • Fun experiences

  • Illustrated reports on ecology, physical and natural sciences, etc.sciences

  • CardsCollectable to collectcards

  • Comics and games

  • Interactive chronicles

This is an excellent way for students to practice their reading in French.

Eleven issues per year. Note that there is no publication in August for this magazine.

RangerBritish RickColumbia Jr.History Magazine (AgesGrades 4 - 7)8-12)

AnimalDiscover FunBritish forColumbia’s YoungPast! ChildrenBritish Columbia History is the British Columbia Historical Federation’s flagship publication, a quarterly magazine chronicling British Columbia’s unique story through the words and images of community writers, archivists, museum professionals, academic historians, and more.

RANGERFresh, RICKengaging, JR.personal, and relevant, every issue is filledpacked with fun,articles, age-appropriatephotographs, animalmaps, facts,illustrations, stories,book photos, exciting outdoor activities,reviews, and lotsinsights ofinto games,local crafts,archives. andThey recipes.publish Great for beginning readers!  Share a love of reading and create a love of nature with Ranger Rick Jr. from the National Wildlife Federation  

“Uniting all Americans to ensure wildlife thrive in a rapidly changing world.”

Parent Reading Guides

Our monthly reading guides help enhance your Ranger Rick Jr. subscription by recommending ways you can use the magazine to encourage a strong foundation for your child’s literacy development. 10four issues per year.


LoggingBritish In


HCOSHistory andMagazine Flexalso staffpublishes anda studentsStudy willGuide. logThe infocus here withof the usernamestudy andguide password in the Search Portal under the Subs/Password tab. (Log in to the Search Portal using your Encom username and password.)You do not need to set up an account to be able to use these magazines.

The username and password are the same for all five magazines. You can select any magazine to access the content.

Using this Subscription

Parent Reading Guides for Ranger Rick Jr.

Monthly reading guides recommend ways you can use the magazineis to encourage students to dig deeper into history to find a strongquiet foundationor forunheard yourvoice. child’sThe literacyguide development.will 10deepen issuesunderstanding perand year.knowledge of colonial histories and the current realities of Indigenous People, as well as an understanding of social injustices and discriminatory policies in Canada (including Residential Schools, the head tax, the legal system, disenfranchisement, and internment).



You can contact Margaret Basaraba by email for help with any questions.