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ThisEVERFI subscription is recommended for (K-Grade 12 students.

EVERFI12) covers digital citizenship, STEM, financial literacy, health education, and career readiness. Activities are short, relevant, and engaging.

Logging In

There are six steps to log into EVERFI.

Step 1: Email our Subscriptions Coordinator Margaret Basaraba for the EVERFI registration code.

Step 2: Navigate to EVERFI, then select the “Register” button next to “Don’t have an account?” 

Step 3: Select "Student."

Step 6: Complete the form to create your account. Remember your username and password so you can log in again.


Navigation & Use

Below are the subject areas and suggested grade levels for EVERFI courses. Students can use the "Listen" option, which allows them to hear text read aloud.

Financial Literacy

These courses use US currency in the lessons.

Physical and Health Education