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Axis is geared toward building lifelong faith by helping parents and caring adults talk with teens about topics they might not otherwise discuss. Their vision is to see all caring adults equipped with the conversation, discipleship, and cultural translation skills needed to reach the next generation for Christ. They began as a ministry offering resources to families and youth workers; several years ago, the ministry morphed into an online one and has since expanded. You will notice that this site does not tell you (or your teens) how to think. Instead, it gives up-to-date information and asks questions, which you may use to open discussion with your students or children.

This subscription is recommended for Grade 5-12 students.

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Navigation & Use

Some of the information may be sensitive to students. Parents are encouraged to supervise their children while using this site and to engage in regular conversation to discuss topics.

Explore resources by selecting the buttons in the top right menu on the home page. You can return to the home page by selecting the Axis logo in the top left corner.

Click below to learn more about the specific features offered by Axis:

The Culture Translator

The Culture Translator is a weekly email on what's trending in culture and how it affects your teen's world.

It will help you stay up-to-date on the music, movies, TV shows, and social media trends impacting your kid's world. This resource is set up to make it easier to start conversations about the issues that matter most to your kids and provide you with Christ-like responses. It doesn't seek to teach you what to think but rather how to think about these topics through the lens of Jesus. They pray that The Culture Translator will help develop empathy in your heart for all the challenges the next generation faces daily.

You can sign up for the weekly email or explore past editions at

Conversation Kits

Explore tough topics together through teen-friendly videos that break down barriers and offer keys for deeper conversations. Conversation Kits are recorded presentations meant to be watched with your teen to get them thinking about what truly matters. Find Conversation kits by clicking "Resources for Parents" at the top right of the page or by scrolling down the home page.

Parent Guides

Talking about issues like smartphones, eating disorders, Snapchat, video games, and sexting with teens can be scary and complicated. But it doesn't have to be! Parent Guides are downloadable PDFs with links to content that will help you understand what your teens face, how to have conversations about them, and how to Biblically disciple them into lifelong faith through it all. Find Parent Guides by selecting "Resources for Parents" from the top right of the page.


Dive in with parenting experts and take your conversations with your kids to the next level. The Axis Podcast Network provides a learning environment for you in a format that is easy to consume in your busy life. Each episode will invite you into the Axis parenting community and coach you through building stronger conversations with the kids and teens in your life. Find podcasts by selecting "Resources For Parents" at the top right of the home page.

Select any podcast title and find many more recent episodes under that title by scrolling down the page.