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Flex Academy Community Values and Code of Conduct

For background information, see the Flex Academy Code of Conduct Terms and Definitions page.

The details in this code of conduct are not exhaustive but provide a view of how we approach conflict and problematic behaviour within the school community that is out of sync with our core values.

Purpose & Rationale

This Code of Conduct has been developed to provide parameters around our expectations of Flex Academy students and Community members. The Flex Academy Learner, Teacher and Staff Profiles and Core Values provide a foundation for this code of conduct.

Flex Academy Learner Profile

A Flex Academy learner is a reflective and adaptable thinker who is inquisitive, discerning, and full of wonder at God's world, courageous and sustained by hope with a merciful, humble, and empathetic heart, and an advocate who is responsive to the needs of others, serving to have an impact on a world in need of redemption.

Flex Academy Core Values

Academic Success - Engaged Lifelong Learners
We aim to inspire every student to become a passionate learner who reaches towards their personal best while continually seeking out opportunities to grow. Our goal is that students leave Flex Academy having developed the skills and tools to remain discerning lifelong learners.
Integrity - Authentic Christ Followers
One of the definitions of integrity is the quality or state of being complete or undivided. We believe this wholeness can only be found in Christ. Our desire for our students and, by extension their families, is to walk in the fullness of an authentic relationship with Christ within a supportive community that prays together, challenges each other and shares life together.
Relationship - Intentional Supportive Community
Responding to the needs of our families, we develop a variety of opportunities for students to connect, to learn together and to build supportive community. Our teachers and staff pray for, encourage and come alongside our students and families as we partner with them in their academic journey.
Flexibility - Personalized Learning Choices
Just as every student is unique, their learning should be as well. We value creating individualized learning plans for every student that are designed to provide a flexible and tailored education, empowering and supporting parents as we partner with them. We strive to create innovative opportunities, including individualized home education, any-pace online courses, community-building face-to-face learning groups, cross-enrolled options and much more.
Conduct Expectations

At Flex Academy, our entire community – including staff, students, volunteers, and parents – is responsible for ensuring Flex Academy is a safe, supportive, and inclusive school. Behaviour that falls within our core values and learner and teacher profiles looks like the following:

 At Flex Academy, we commit to being respectful, loving, gentle, humble, kind, patient, hard-working and self-controlled as we engage with Christ-centred, flexible, innovative educational opportunities. We also commit to having fun with each other and building genuine relationships!

The following are examples of behaviours that are in sync with our core values:

  • Demonstrating respect for ourselves, others, and our school
  • Working diligently
  • Having fun together
  • Apologizing and working toward change when there is a problem
  • Forgiving one another
  • Working together and owning our part in the work we do
  • Owning our mistakes and taking steps to correct them
  • Treating all individuals, regardless of race, ability, sexual orientation, self-expression, or religious beliefs with kindness, inclusion, and respect.
  • Treating school property and the property of others with a reasonable standard of care
  • Expressing ourselves with socially acceptable language and gestures
  • Exhibiting behaviour that is free of all forms of intimidation, harassment, racism, exclusion, and discrimination
  • Dressing in accordance with the school's dress code standards
  • Informing a school official of any unsafe situation
  • Make every effort to attend scheduled classes and arrive on time
  • Respecting the rights of others to learn in an environment free of unnecessary distractions
  • Assisting in making the school a safe, caring, and orderly place
  • Modelling respectful and responsible behaviour, not only at school, but within the community and whenever acting as a school ambassador or representative
Problematic Behaviour

Some behaviours demonstrate a lack of willingness or ability to sync-up with our core values and community profiles.

The following kinds of behaviours result in consequential responses from Flex Academy in the form of parental involvement, restorative meetings, academic probation, or loss of privileges.

  • Distracting others from focusing on classroom instruction or prescribed tasks (including distracting others during Flex blocks or Flex days when on campus)
  • Creating unsafe situations for school members
  • Improper use of Flex spaces (the Village or Mez) - includes habitually not signing in or out or a chronic lack of communication with the school if not staying the full day on a Flex day.
  • Swearing at a Flex Academy community member
  • Habitual absenteeism
  • Habitually poor work habits or lack of effort in completing schoolwork
  • Habitual unkindness toward others (excluding, gossiping, using unkind words)

Flex Academy teachers and administration take an educational, skills-based, supportive and partnering approach to help students reach toward their full potential. Consequences become more serious if it becomes apparent that a student or family is unwilling to work with Teachers, Staff or Administration.

Serious or Dangerous Behaviours

Some behaviours demand serious responses from the Flex Academy Administrative team, regardless of the circumstances surrounding the behaviour.

 In all cases, a restorative approach to discipline is preferred whenever possible.

 Serious responses include removal from class, suspension, restorative justice, and in some cases, expulsion from Flex Academy.

Behaviours that will bring about a serious response from Administration include, but are not limited to:

  • Retaliatory behaviour toward others
  • Possessing any form of a weapon while on school property
  • Possessing or using intoxicants, illegal, or restricted substances. See the Flex Academy Substance Abuse Policy for more on this.
  • Willfully and continually interfering with the rights of others to learn
  • Acts of bullying, violence, targeted exclusion, harassment, or intimidation
  • Threatening others – in person or online/digitally
  • Possession or use of weapons
  • Theft or damage to property
Family Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the entire Flex Academy community to ensure our school is a safe, caring, inclusive and orderly school. For families, it is of the utmost importance that teachers and staff and Flex Administration are treated with dignity and respect. We expect our Staff to do the same toward both students and families.

There is no room for bullying and harassment within the Flex Academy community.

Any parent or guardian who berates, swears at, yells at, intimidates, threatens, bullies or harasses a Flex Academy staff member will be at risk for withdrawal of their student(s) from the school.

A parent or guardian who disrespectfully treats a staff member may also be prevented from entering the school premises until reconciliation takes place between the parent and staff member. 

Teacher and Staff Responsibility

Flex Academy Teachers and Staff are committed to exemplifying the Flex Academy Teacher and Staff profiles.

A Flex Academy Teacher is
growing in WISDOM,
and continually REFLECTING on their practice,

PASSIONATE about learning,

while partnering with the families and learners they SERVE.

A Flex Academy staff member is
growing in WISDOM,
and continually REFLECTING on their practice,

PASSIONATE about learning

who demonstrates TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY, 
while partnering with the teachers, students, families, and colleagues they SERVE.