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Student Support Centre (Grade 7-12)

Student Support Centre (SSC) is a Skype-based universal support provided by an EA in Literacy or Numeracy and is offered to students needing assistance in grades 7-12. It is important to note that you do not need a referral for this, you may access the SSC at any point throughout the year. 

  • academic courses - comprehension, higher level thinking, step by step instruction
  • executive functioning (organization, planning, time management)
  • course pacing and accountability
  • navigating Moodle, Study Forge and Encom
  • building confidence due to anxiety or insecurity
  • motivation
Support is offered via Skype and students must be willing to download the program, schedule a meeting time and attend the service. 

SSC Hours


Deanna Laity


Steven Yallits

Jeewon Yoo

For more information, please look at: