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Student Support Centre

Student Support Centre (SSC) is a Online-based universal support provided by an EA in Literacy or Numeracy and is offered to students needing assistance in grades 7-12. It is important to note that you do not need a referral for this, you may access the SSC at any point throughout the year. 

  • academic courses - comprehension, higher level thinking, step by step instruction
  • executive functioning (organization, planning, time management)
  • course pacing and accountability
  • navigating Moodle,Brightspace, Study Forge and Encom
  • building confidence due to anxiety or insecurity
  • motivation
How to initiate support
Talk to your teacher, LS consultant or GA to set up the first meeting to get to know the EA.  After the first meeting, schedule follow up sessions using the EA's calendly link.
Friendly reminder: The student support centre is a universal support and is accessible to all grade 7-12+ students. We ask that you kindly limit weekly bookings to 1-2 sessions and no more than 2 weeks in advance. Should your child need further support, we encourage you to contact the course specialist for booking hours and follow up with your SE case manager, learning services consultant, k-9 teacher or GA.
Support is offered via Zoom and students must schedule a meeting time and attend the service. 

SSC Education Assistants:

The current education assistants will be supporting in Literacy/Executive Functioning: Taryn McPherson and Carlee Bouillon and Numeracy/Science: Benjamin Loewen. They are under the supervision of Allison Miles, SE GA. *Brad Sampson will be with us from May 1-19, 2023.

SSC Bookings:

Literacy/Executive Functioning EA

 Support in English, science comprehension/questions, Christian studies, social studies/humanities, written assignments in CLE or CLC, physical education courses, and elective courses such as WEX, music or Foods

Brad Sampson (May 1-May 19th, 2023)

Brad Sampson SSC.jpg

Brad's strengths include: planning and organizing, scheduling (time management), test preparation, research skills, writing skills and proofing, and middle school math.

Carlee Bouillon


Carlee's strengths include: building daily schedules, goal-setting, grammar, paragraph structure, essay writing (planning, structuring, drafting, editing), citations, creative writing, literary analysis, and reading comprehension.

Taryn McPherson


Taryn's strengths include: goal setting, planning and organizing, scheduling (time management), test preparation, research skills, writing skills and proofing, middle school math and science, upper-level science (life science and some chemistry)

Numeracy and Science EA

Support grade 7-12 math, AP math, physics 11/12, chemistry 11/12, accounting 11

Benjamin Loewen


For more information, please look at: