Student Support Centre
Student Support Centre (SSC) is a Online-based universal support provided by an EA in Literacy or Numeracy and is offered to students needing assistance in grades 7-12. It is important to note that you do not need a referral for this, you may access the SSC at any point throughout the year.
- academic courses - comprehension, higher level thinking, step by step instruction
- executive functioning (organization, planning, time management)
- course pacing and accountability
- navigating
Moodle,Brightspace, Study Forge and Encom - building confidence due to anxiety or insecurity
- motivation
SSC Education Assistants:
The current education assistants will be supporting in Literacy/Executive Functioning: Taryn McPherson and Carlee Bouillon and Numeracy/Science: Benjamin Loewen. They are under the supervision of Allison Miles, SE GA. *Brad Sampson will be with us from May 1-19, 2023.
SSC Bookings:
Literacy/Executive Functioning EA
Support in English, science comprehension/questions, Christian studies, social studies/humanities, written assignments in CLE or CLC, physical education courses, and elective courses such as WEX, music or Foods
Brad Sampson (May 1-May 19th, 2023)
Brad's strengths include: planning and organizing, scheduling (time management), test preparation, research skills, writing skills and proofing, and middle school math.
- Booking Calendar for Zoom:
- 9am-3pm most days! Please check calendly for most up to date availability.
Carlee Bouillon
Carlee's strengths include: building daily schedules, goal-setting, grammar, paragraph structure, essay writing (planning, structuring, drafting, editing), citations, creative writing, literary analysis, and reading comprehension.
- Booking Calendar for Zoom:
- Please check calendar for availability at this time
Taryn McPherson
Taryn's strengths include: goal setting, planning and organizing, scheduling (time management), test preparation, research skills, writing skills and proofing, middle school math and science, upper-level science (life science and some chemistry)
- Booking Calendar for Zoom:
- Please check calendar for availability at this time
Numeracy and Science EA
Support grade 7-12 math, AP math, physics 11/12, chemistry 11/12, accounting 11
Benjamin Loewen
- Booking Calendar for Zoom:
- Please check calendar for availability at this time
For more information, please look at: