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Student Council Positions

  • President (1)
  • Vice Principal (1)
  • Secretary (1)
  • Treasurer (1)
  • Social Media Manager (1)
  • Indigenous Student Representative (1)
  • Grade 10 Rep (1-2)
  • Grade 11 Rep (1-2)
  • Grade 12 Rep (1-2)
  • General Student Council Member (1+)


  • Commit to meeting 1 hr bi-weekly with your zoom camera on
  • Learning and education must be taken seriously, you need to maintain your grades
  • Willing to work with others and respect their ideas
  • Willing to build community and belonging; create school spirit

Roles and responsibilities: 





  1. Chair all meetings of the Student Council according to the procedures agreed upon by Council  
  2. Be responsible for preparing the agenda for all Student Council Meetings  
  3. Appoint committees and serve as a support of all Student Council committees.  
  4. Meet with the overseeing teacher or grad director/assistant grad director whenever necessary to discuss matters pertaining to student affairs  
  5. Ensure documents are available for head of school
  6. Represent the school in inter-school activities as applicable
  7. Must have current knowledge of the Student Council finances  
  8. Perform all other duties that need to be performed by the President of HCOS Student Council  
  9. Create a list of all duties that are not included in the Constitution, and ensure his/her successor knows their new roles  
  10. Must adhere to the HCOS Code of Conduct or he/she will be asked to resign the position 
  11. Must be a full-time student at HCOS in good standing  


  1. Assume the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence  
  2. Assist the president in carrying out the duties of office  
  3. Assist with the running of Student Council meetings  
  4. Coordinate with the student council information centre  
  5. Perform all other duties of a Vice-President  
  6. Create a list of duties performed from the previous year, and ensure his/her successor understands and receives this list  
  7. Must adhere to the HCOS Code of Conduct or he/she will be asked to resign the position 
  8. Must be a full-time student at HCOS in good standing  


  1. Keep an accurate record and account of all receipts and track the way money is spent in the Student Council. These records must be accurate with the HCOS Business Manager. He/she must also must monthly create a write up of all expenses used by the council.  
  2. Advise the council on all matters related to money, and ensure the council doesn’t spend more than they have.  
  3. Perform all duties incidental to this office including counting and submitting deposits to the Business Manager. 
  4. Perform all other duties as asked by faculty advisors to support other executives 
  5. Must create a list of responsibilities and tasks done throughout the year, and hand it down to his/ her successor  
  6. Must adhere to the HCOS Code of Conduct or he/she will be asked to resign the position 
  7. Must be a full-time student at HCOS in good standing  


  1. Keep an accurate journal of the proceedings at each meeting at the Student Council, and ensure that electronic copies of these or distributed promptly at Student Council Meetings 
  2. Keep a typed summary of all council Activities for the entire year and ensure that a copy is passed on to the incoming council.  
  3. Keep a typed record of all members' attendance at all meetings, and all activities put on by the council.  
  4. Email the week’s meeting minutes to overseeing teacher/director of grad within three days 
  5. Be responsible for preparing all outgoing correspondence for the Student Council, filing one copy for further reference  
  6. Inform the Student Council of all correspondence and file all correspondence received 
  7. Be responsible for the upkeep of Student Council Files  
  8. Perform all other duties incidental to this office  
  9. Must adhere to the HCOS Code of Conduct or he/she will be asked to resign the position 

Social Media Manager

  1. Employ strong written and verbal communication skills;
  2. Create and plan social content for the school Blog, IG account
  3. Coordinate with HCOS staff and students to collect materials and photos to use for content
  4. Adhere to HCOS branding, brand awareness
  5. If required, collaborate with our HCOS branding team
  6. Commit to regular communication through email or zoom

Grades 10-12 Representatives (1-2 per grade) 

  1. Rotate through in presence during Executive meetings to provide grade-based feedback. 
  2. Represent grade to the Student Council. 
  3. Possess voting power in Student Council general meetings. 

Indigenous Student Representative 

  1. Represent the Indigenous Student Body to the Student Council.
  2. Possess voting power in Student Council general meetings.
  3. Representative is elected by the Indigenous Student Body only

General Members at Large

  1. Participate actively in all student council activities  
  2. Will not have voting privileges at council meetings but may participate in discussion.