Funding Cut: Where We Find 21%
The Ministry of Education’s decision to cut Independent DL funding by 21%, or $793 per student, has resulted in significant challenges to our school budget. The hard reality is that this cut impacts all of us. As an IDL with low funding rates, HCOS already runs a lean budget. Our amazing teachers and staff sacrifice financially to work for an Independent DL school, which is one key reason we have been able to provide IDL education without adding a tuition to the out-of-pocket expenses you already incur as families.
Here is how HCOS is making up the reduced funding amount:
- Tuition charges have been instituted.
- Resource budgets have been reduced.
- We have gone over every line item in our budget and made cuts to all areas of the school’s operation. The focus was on efficiencies in processes and staffing rather than items that would impact the programming or resources available for students.